junior and co.'s future with Nouns is largely out of their hands

Nouns launch second trimmed down funding proposal to DAO

The team has a difficult road ahead of them to receive funding from the DAO.

Nouns have launched a new proposal on the Nouns DAO to fund their male Counter-Strike 2 team following the failure of the team's combined pitch for their male and female teams on January 11th. This new proposal sees the overall budget for the team slimmed down while also offering the DAO a portion of sticker money should Nouns qualify to the BLAST.tv Austin Major in June. Additionally, the funding proposal would only fund the team for six months rather than a whole year.

This new vote comes after Nouns.fe's own standalone proposal failed to pass in the DAO, with the final tally being 95 votes for and 45 votes against, 30 votes short of the minimum threshold needed for the proposal to pass.

As previously mentioned, this new proposal is requesting significantly less money from the DAO, with the team's salary, support staff, and bootcamp budget being slashed, while activations like a second David's Cup and a fan event at the Major have been shelved.

As for stickers, the Nouns CS2 team is prepared to return 25% of sticker sales from the BLAST.tv Austin Major to the DAO should the team qualify for North America's first Major in seven years. The proposal estimates that this amount would total anywhere from $200,000 to $500,000, potentially covering the entirety of the $218,000 USDC the proposal is requesting.

Despite significant efforts to make a more enticing proposal, the team has a difficult road to funding as the DAO voted down the previous proposal overwhelmingly, with the final tally seeing six votes for the proposal and 120 votes against the proposal. As Nouns.fe's proposal had a much favorable outcome and still failed to pass, it would likely take a significant shift in attitudes within the DAO to pass this vote.

The full proposal may be read here.

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#1(With 0 replies)
January 29, 2025 12:12AM
Time to actually win some ecl matches boys 👀
#2(With 0 replies)
January 29, 2025 10:43AM
Good luck on the proposal!
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