Complexity are looking good on CS2

Top 5 Highlights from Complexity's IEM Sydney group stage

There were some incredible plays from the Cowboys.

Complexity clinched their spot in the playoffs this morning thanks to a clean 2-0 win against Monte, with both games going to overtime. The North Americans' run in the group stage was nearly flawless, with only one loss against G2. It's a positive sign as even in the loss the team looked somewhat good.

During their games, Complexity had a lot of impact plays and some flashy ones, as we are going to show you, in case you missed them.

#5 hallzerk - 4K to set Complexity on match point

Håkon "hallzerk" Fjærli is known for his AWPing skills, but he is extremely capable with a rifle in his hand as well. Two crisp headshots and two more victims got Complexity to 12 rounds and just one step away from eliminating Cloud 9.

#4 EliGE - ACE

Jonathan "EliGE" Jablonowski has been given a lot of praise his teammates for the changes he's brought into the team, but beyond that, he's also brought a ton of firepower. Here is he getting an ace against Cloud9, even if it is just against pistols...

#3 JT - 1v2 ACE clutch

Now we start getting into those impactful plays! In these two clips, you can see a man possessed, as Johnny "JT" Theodosiou single-handedly destroyed Monte in the opening game of IEM Sydney 2023.

#2 hallzerk - 4K to win the series

We told you hallzerk is known for his AWPing skills, so here you go. In this play, the Norwegian displayed all of his tricks with his quick scopes, excellent map awareness, incredible ability to hold angles, and very nice flicks, all while winning his team the series to go to playoffs.

#1 JT and EliGE - 2v5 to win the map

Both were already featured in this list before, albeit separately, but this time they're here together as they win the first map of the series against Monte. Things were not looking good this round, with Complexity falling down early, and the entry on the A site being denied by the Ukrainians. JT and EliGE had enough and dismantled their defense to win Overpass.

Although they have not been mentioned here, Michael "Grim" Wince and Ricky "floppy" Kemery have also had impactful performances and plays, with floppy's Desert Eagle 3k on Overpass one of the honorable mentions of the day.

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