reck is hoping to, well, wreck Anonymo

What to expect from M80 v. Anonymo

Can M80 bounce back?

M80's European adventure continues as the squad is gearing up to continue their journey in the CCT East Europe Series 3. Yesterday did not go their way as the American squad fell to the Slovakians of Sampi and will only have a harder matchup today as they square off against Anonymo. Hopefully, M80 are able to bring some magic as they look to improve in CS2 and bring the valuable experience back to their domestic game.

Getting back on track

The game against Sampi was tough for M80, but a good reminder of the work the squad needs to put in if they wish to remain one of the top squads in North America. Michael "Swisher" Schmid is once again one of the most impactful players, so his team needs to work around his ability if they want to secure an upset today.

  • malbsMd needs to be on point today

  • maNkz needs to remain confident in his leading, especially against better opposition

  • reck and Swisher have to be the main prongs of attack

Polish Pride

Anonymo is a team that M80 could reasonable beat, considering how the Polish team have struggled against greater opposition in the lead up to this event. Losses against Endpoint and 9 Pandas sting, but it'll be wins from the likes of ECSTATIC that prove the Poles aren't just a pushover.

Previous Matchups

These two teams have never played against one another.

Likely Vetoes

Each team has their maps matching up, leading to some more equal contests today.

  • M80 ban Mirage

  • Anonymo ban Anubis

  • M80 pick Inferno

  • Anonymo pick Ancient

  • Decider is likely to end up as Vertigo.

Game starts at 11:00AM this morning.

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