steel returns to Ghost active roster; WARDELL N Friends recruit vSa
Earlier today on Richard Lewis' No Majors Club stream, Josh "steel" Nissan said that Ghost had done "-steel +steel." Dust2.us have confirmed this with the organization, along with the fact that steel was formally benched.
This means that Ghost's roster remains:
Matthew "WARDELL" Yu
Josh "steel" Nissan
Kenneth "koosta" Suen
Jason "neptune" Tran
Ryan "freakazoid" Abadir
James "JamezIRL" Macaulay (Coach)
In his brief time away from the team, Ghost fielded former member Yassine "Subroza" Taofik in the third ECS Season 7 Challenger Cup qualifier, which they topped along with The Quest.
It should be noted that steel is not eligible to participate in FACEIT's league, so the team would need to find someone to play in his stead. Dust2.us have been informed the team are considering dropping from the event as a result of this.
Additionally, Dust2.us have learned that despite steel staying on with Ghost, he will not be making the trip to Chongqing with teammate Matthew "WARDELL" Yu for the WESG 2018 World Finals, due to the player having a previous commitment.
Replacing him will be Andy "vSa" Xu, who most recently saw his MDL team dissolve before his very eyes. Dust2.us knows that Evan "emode" Patrao was also considered by the mix.
This means that the WARDELL N Friends roster will be:
Matthew "WARDELL" Yu
Bradley "ANDROID" Fodor
Derrick "LILMAN" Boyne
Yassine "Subroza" Taofik
Andy "vSa" Xu
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