"Ah fuck. Again."

floppy on Dallas elimination: "I'm gonna lay in bed tonight thinking about it"

Complexity are excruciatingly eliminated on the first day of IEM Dallas.

IEM Dallas has unceremoniously dumped Complexity by the wayside in the very first day. After a hurtful loss to Liquid in a BO1, Complexity were unable to exorcise their demons against MOUZ and lost yet again, eliminated from their hometown event. It is a brutal, terrible result for a team who has struggled to find their consistency throughout this whole season.

After the loss to MOUZ, Dust2.us' Daniel "Scoobster" Khurgin spoke with Ricky "floppy" Kemery about the elimination, the new map, and what this means for Complexity in 2024.

Please note that the full interview can be found below on YouTube, while the transcript has some key snippets from their conversation.

Tough three map series, but how did you guys stay head on Vertigo, which was a super tight affair?

I think on Vertigo, we just had a bit of an advantage considering the EU teams were flying as the update happened. We were able to take a look at the map in advance of a lot of the other teams, so I think we just had a little extra time to prepare Vertigo.

Did you see any of that inexperience prop up in the game?

Oh for sure. On both sides we were figuring stuff out on the fly, it's normal since neither of us have much practice on the map.

The third map Nuke was a pretty sloppy affair, what went wrong?

I think Nuke felt like... I don't know. We had a game plan in mind, but from my POV it felt like we couldn't really do too much. It looked like they were just doing stuff outside and even if they did ramp, it was weird rotations a couple rounds, for me personally. It's something I'd have to go back and look at cause obviously, shit was not going right for us. It is what it is.

This early elimination is coming off a strong EPL finish, 3-4th, where you were undefeated up until MOUZ, who eliminated you here today. Is there something of a one-sided rivalry going on here?

I mean, I would say it's one sided. This is our sixth loss to them in a row, so it's definitely not something to be proud of for us. We definitely had a better showing versus them at this event compared to EPL, at least, but that's not enough for us. We wanted to be on the stage for this event.

At EPL, it looked like you finally got back into the swing of things after a troubling start to the year, how disappointing is it to go back into those rocky waters?

It's like... I don''t know. I wouldn't say we're used to it, but, I mean, it's really emo. I'm gonna lay in bed tonight thinking about it. It's just like, "ah, fuck. Again." Things like Sydney and BLAST Fall Final and now EPL, playing in front of the stage is now the bare minimum for us, and to not make that is really disappointing. That's all I can really say right now. Disappointing.

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#1(With 0 replies)
May 28, 2024 12:42PM
Floppy has got to find his form again. Elige can't be the only rifler contributing. Same with gr1m. Don't wanna see my favorite player get kicked.
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