cadiaN always bears his heart on his sleeve

cadiaN: "I'm not sure we have the five best teams going on from the Americas RMR"

Liquid had a brutal run at the RMR.

Liquid were on the unfortunate end of the Buchholz stick as they had to face both FURIA and Complexity in their RMR campaign. After their heartbreaking defeat to Complexity in the final match of the event, the team's IGL, Casper "cadiaN" Møller kindly gave a few words to' Jeffrey "Mnmzzz" Moore.

Please note that the full interview can be found below on YouTube, while the transcript has some key snippets from their conversation.

Liquid has been eliminated from Major contention, the first time in eight years. What do you think went wrong in the series?

We played pretty good on Inferno. There were still some moments where we were a bit chaotic and comms were a bit cluttered, but overall, I think we definitely played a good Inferno, especially the T-side. Anubis, I think both first and second map, we lost both pistols, which really doesn't help with the momentum and such.

On Anubis we got some good trades on the T-half but we were so separated and we kinda didn't manage to group up and make the next step, so we got spread out. Our T-side was a bit thin in that regard. We also didn't win our set executes, so that was a bit rough. I think especially the CT-side on Anubis, we didn't even get back into the game. We just didn't play better than they did

Following the failure of the Liquid European roster, many people were looking towards this one to be a superteam. What does the superteam need more of? Time, roster changes, a reevaluation. What's going through your head?

Good question. For sure, nobody is satisfied with the way we performed at this event and some of the prior qualifiers. It's hard to say. Right now I'm in the emotions and we just lost. It's hard for me to answer the question. I think also if I had the perfect solution, we wouldn't be standing here right now. I honestly don't know all the answers.

This format has been criticized a lot, both the double elimination and seeding issues. What's your take on that issue?

No disrespect to FURIA and Complexity, but I do think if you can't beat either of those, you're not gonna be doing much damage at the Major anyways. However, of course, the format is not optimal. It doesn't make any sense that if you lose one best-of-one you're instantly near elimination. There should be better ways of finding the best teams, cause I'm not sure we have the five best teams going on from the Americas RMR.

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#1(With 0 replies)
March 4, 2024 09:04PM
I feel for Cadian soooo much right now. I wish both Liquid and CoL could have qualified, but I'm going to focus on atleast one win the NA region has at the moment which is CoL to the Legends stage. Hope to see Liquid come into their own so cadian doesn't resent his decision of coming to NA.
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