phzy: "I didn't get any offers from Swedish teams so at least I get to bring a Swede with me"

The package deal ended up being a determining factor to send the Swedes abroad.

New Wildcard additions Love "phzy" Smidebrant and Tim "susp" Ångström sat down with Dust2.SE's Ludvig "quacke" Nilsson for a two-part interview, the second part of which focused less on where the duo has been and more on what's to come with Wildcard. has the following transcription thanks to a collaboration with on the second half of the article.

If I now turn to you both, I think many are curious about why you have opted to go to an American team and not a European one, or even Swedish. What was it that drew you to an American project and Wildcard in particular?

phzy: After the time in Rare Atom I think a lot of people opened their eyes to me again. I didn't get many offers after Sangal, but after Rare Atom there was quite a bit more interest, I think.

I got to hear from Wildcard they were interested in Tim and they also wanted me, and I felt it was a no-brainer to take that offer. Playing with Tim, which is really fun – I didn't get any offers from Swedish teams so at least I get to bring a Swede with me, so that was really fun.

It's both a team and an organization I truly believe in, with stanislaw as IGL with a lot of experience and JBa, probably the biggest talent in America right now. Sonic as well, a good player who took a bit of a break but who has almost the whole package, a lot of experience.

I think it's a no-brainer and we could easily become one of the best teams in the region, if not the best, in a near future. Very excited!

susp: I hesitated a lot early on, considering the move and everything, moving to a different continent is one hell of a trip. When I found out they also were interested in Love I started being interested immediately. I was really keen on it then, it's easier to drop everything and move away when you have a friend with you, it becomes a whole different experience.

Were there other offers that tempted you, in or outside Europe?

phzy: I spoke with quite a few teams as many might have seen on Twitter, with a few leaks. But I got no concrete offer, nothing that said "sign here and let's go."

susp: I had a few teams get in touch that were interesting. It was all very new, I started talking to Wildcard very early on after I got benched. But I had a few teams who showed interest, but only Wildcard looked the most interesting to me.

What do you think will be your biggest contribution to the team, coming from Europe?

susp: I think our firepower is really strong, we have a completely different thought process around CS if we put our heads together, we've also experienced how most of the top teams play.

We do have teammates with experience who have faced a lot of teams, but we've played EU teams on a daily basis and considering they've only played NA teams recently I think we can put our heads together and do it together.

phzy: I think we both contribute with the individual level and raise the team in that aspect. As well as that, both me and Tim like to be quite vocal, so to say, when we play. Both come with initiative and suggestions on how to see the game and how to play.

If there's any match where we get a bit stuck or where stanislaw blanks there's always someone who could take over a bit, come with suggestions and ideas as well. I think it'll be good.

We heard WolfY, in an earlier interview with us, describe North America as an easier region and a region with a different mentality. Are there any prejudices or stereotypes about NA you think you'll get to experience?

phzy: The prejudices I might have come from the "Rank-S"-days! When m0ETV and jasonR were playing, it didn't feel super serious perhaps. But I also think it's gotten more serious since then, more people who really go for it and not just for the content-side of CS.

susp: I feel the same, I don't have a lot of prejudices.

Now in America, where will you be based and what will your every day life look like?

phzy: We plan to stay close to Houston, Texas. It's close to one of the owners, who will be helping us a bit. We'll live together, practice, cook, eat, workout – yeah, grind, simply put.

Are there any other European players who made the move across the Atlantic you see as an inspiration?

phzy: Good question!

I didn't come up with that, I'll tell you!

phzy: Yeah but, I might pick pyth! Wasn't he in Asia as well? If so we've both been in Asia and North America, so I'll pick him.

susp: It would be CeRq, he's Bulgarian, and he went there. He played many tournaments, was really fucking good in his prime, so I'd pick CeRq who was also there for a long time.

Love, you mentioned JBa and stanislaw before, your teammates. Did you have time to get to know them and what impressions have you gotten?

phzy: We've had a little time to get to know them. It feels like we're clicking well, both in practice but also just staying in TS afterwards playing some FACEIT or other games. It always feels good when it clicks!

susp: They're really chill dudes, good mentality and grind really well, really chill.

What will you miss most from back in Sweden?

susp: It's gonna be the family, pals, girlfriend. That kind of stuff.

phzy: The things I'll miss most is of course all the friends you have here, family, the dogs and such. But if I'm gonna name something not so obvious it's gonna be the snus! You could actually buy it in China, when I was there. But I think it'll be harder in the US, I think they only have tobacco-free stuff there.

Finally, let's look forward. We have the Major qualifiers coming up soon and it's practically locked in Wildcard will play the closed qualifier. What expectations do you have on your run towards Shanghai?

phzy: I feel we should take the RMR, at least. We will get to the RMR and how we'll fare there is hard to say now, especially with how little we've played so far. But the goal is always to take the Major, but we'll take it one step at a time.

Then, coming back to Shanghai and showing the boys Shanghai where I lived with Rare Atom will be really fun, if we get there. So it's another "cookie", another extra motivation!

susp: My expectation is the Major. Of course, the RMR is something we should 100% make in my opinion, then the Major is an expectation of mine.

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#1(With 0 replies)
July 17, 2024 10:07PM
Solid fixing team I’m sure they’ll be fine in no time
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