Second round RMR matchups delayed to Friday
Earlier on Wednesday, the Americas RMR suffered technical issues stemming from power interruptions to the play and production area. These problems caused the first games to start almost two hours after the scheduled start times. The issues also had knock on effects for the production, causing further complications down the line throughout the day.
BLAST have made the decisions that the 1-0 pool of games, which were scheduled to start playing at 8:45 PM local Monterrey time on Thursday, will be delayed to Friday, beginning at 1:00 PM local time. This then causes the 0-1 bo3 matches to be pushed to 06:00PM, scheduled to end at midnight.
While the 1-0 matches could still be played on Thursday at a later time than scheduled, BLAST has made the decision to postpone not just due to the late would-be start times, but also to spend the time between Thursday and Friday to "allow for improvements to be made for the technical aspect of the tournament".