NA Advanced organization sign team with history of racist comments

Signing timbermen, one of the most consistently racist and offensive teams in NA raises questions about the organization's due diligence.

Luxe, a small American esports organization have announced the signing of timbermen, who recently rounded out their roster with Matthew "nero" Seymour and aleph.

The decision to attach this team to one's fledgling brand is curious as the team are one of the most notorious squads in recent years for their incredibly racist and offensive comments, their threats to players both online and at LAN events, and their overall lack of human decency toward fellow competitors.

Luxe must be ignorant of their past, which could have been found through a simple Google search, so this article will serve as an introduction to their new players.

Disclaimer: Some Readers will find the content below offensive or upsetting due to timbermen's use of racist and homophobic language and allusion to sexual abuse.

The first time timbermen found themselves in the hot seat was when they were dropped by Polar Ace on January 20th after sixteen days with the organization from community backlash due to Shane "shane" Dressler and Derek "dare" Brown's extensive ESEA ban histories for malicious activity, racism, and threatening other players along with calling a player the "N-word" multiple times in 2019.

This first kick of the squad underpins two key trends that will be important later; organizations failing to do any basic research about their players and numerous people making excuses for the team's behavior.

At the time of the Polar Ace kicking timbermen, Noah "insane" Eheart posted a TwitLonger stating that the community had the wrong idea about shane and dare and that while they had their flaws he "promised that nothing like this will happen ever again".

Editor's Note: It did happen again.

Next up in the team's history of being the problem children/edgelords of NA CS:GO was when they managed to top their previous fastest dismissal from an organization when they were dropped by Rebel after just a week.

This time, the team were kicked out of Rebel due to longtime timbermen player and pseudo-coach Jake "eptima" Allen being handed a year-long ban on ESEA for "impersonating other players on the Rank G TeamSpeak and using racial slurs and trolling while the players are in game".

Despite eptima's attempts to explain in a TwitLonger that while he did in fact impersonate Kyle "OCEAN" O'Brien, he was only doing it for fun and never actually utilized slurs, his appeal was strangely denied and he remained banned until mid-2021.

In mid-2021, timbermen once again (seeing a trend here?) found themselves embroiled in controversy for racist and offensive comments. The squad were dropped by Depth two weeks after being re-signed due to anti-LGBT and offensive remarks made by Wyatt "snav" Phillippi and Bryan "HavoK" Kuzawinski in a FACEIT PUG. The duo told the opposing team they were "probably nto [sic] raped as a kid" multiple times before calling them "tranny losers".

This new series of outrageous comments by timbermen players was just the tip of the iceberg as players from all stratum of the NA CS:GO community replied to the initial tweet with their own stories of team's wide range and offensive, toxic, and, in some cases, even illegal behavior.

Here's some highlights:

  • Jonathan "EliGE" Jablonowski called the team "complete scum" for "saying terrible shit" in PUGs he had played against them.

  • HLTV's Danish "Nohte" Allana shared an anonymous story alleging some members of timbermen were caught posting "child porn in the FPL-C lobby chat" presumably for the shock value.

  • A female streamer posted a clip of snav being disparaging of her performance in a pickup game.

While all of this is horrible beyond reason, a Pastebin posted later by EliGE blew their past behavior out of the water as it showed multiple instances of shane and snav along with a number of former teammates using the N-word, using the F-word, making dozens of jokes about rape, while topping it all off with insults directed toward Josiah "JoJo" Jimenez in a private Discord server.

For their actions, the team were banned for a year from ESEA and were indefinitely banned from FACEIT. In the classic NA tradition, the majority of the players involved penned (really sincere I promise) TwitLongers promising to do better in the future.

Shockingly, the team did not commit to doing better as timbermen went on to be banned from All In Esports Expo 2021 in August due to allegedly threatening and making insulting comments towards JoJo.

With that, we come to the present day where after nearly three years these players still have a space in our scene, despite clearly learning nothing after being punished with slaps on the wrist over and over again.

Luckily for them though, they have found a bird of a feather to flock with as their recent addition, nero, recently came off a three-week ban from ESL due to reprehensible comments directed towards Walker "walker" Harris whose parents are deceased.

With this all laid out, it raises the question of why any organization would support these players. reached out to the owners of Luxe for comment however they did not respond by the time of publication.

Update: A representative of Luxe has provided with a statement regarding the signing of timbermen.

The recent signing of the timbermen team is a controversial move to a lot of people/orgs. But people grow and learn from past mistakes also mature over time. Timbermen was also punished for their previous actions. This does not mean we support any of the previous conduct that happened years ago examples (in private banter) (toxicity in game). We believe the players in question have changed their conduct and are not the same individuals of yesteryear. As an org we believe in giving others the chance to show the growth and changes who make them who they are today. Change, reform, rehabilitation that is what punishments are for. We are simply allowing them the chance to show the change and hope the CS community will see it also. Thank you for your question and concern.

Also read

#1(With 4 replies)
April 22, 2022 10:54PM
Wow. Truly hardhitting reporting from "Mnmzzz" and shocking to read all these awful internet deeds these abhorrent individuals have subjected the community to. Glad Dust 2. us is vigilantly policing the lofty division of ESEA Advanced and ensuring these scumbags never offend anyone again with their politcally incorrect antics. Not all heroes wear capes, please keep up the great work. Let's ensure these guys can never move on from their past misdeeds. They should be prevented from playing all video games forever. You deserve some Reddit gold my man.
#3(With 0 replies)
April 22, 2022 11:18PM
someone got butthurt lol
#4(With 0 replies)
April 23, 2022 01:31AM
gonna cry? shit your pants maybe? pee yourself a little?
#5(With 0 replies)
April 23, 2022 01:52AM
#11(With 0 replies)
April 24, 2022 12:01AM
Which one of the 0.9 Average main players on the team are you?
#2(With 0 replies)
April 22, 2022 11:04PM
Why do they keep signing these bums, guarantee they'll go out and do something to ruin it within the month.
#6(With 4 replies)
April 23, 2022 08:58AM
We do forget though, who makes up the majority of up and coming esports talents? The answer is socially maladjusted teens and young adults. We all did something dumb in our youth, and importantly we all started with a different morale thermometer.

I'm not defending previous toxic actions, everyone should own up to their choices. But to imply that we should never allow the signing of people who once were lost- to me seems draconian. People change, or at least they have the capacity to. Considering these were teenagers (who as I said, aren't going to be top competitors at that young of an age without a discernable lack of social skills/etiquette) to completely turn your back on them seems inhuman and very "cancel culture"-esque. I think every human, even those with fucked up ideas, can contribute in a meaningful way to the things they care about. And mind you, I have been roasted by snav for everything from shit in game decision making to my music taste. In fact I think he called me emo. But you know what? I have the mental fortitude to not let the words and actions of others effect my inner peace. So I refer to my pervious point: let those, even those we may not like, contribute to something bigger than you or I.
#7(With 0 replies)
April 23, 2022 09:11AM
Good work on chronicling the whole series of events though. Good journalism, and your stance on the issue shines through. (Reminds me of a political op-ed)

Although I wouldn't be foolish enough to think I could change your mind over internet text, I hope what I said can have some resonance with you- even if not in CS or on this topic. We often look to demonize those who stand in the way of what we perceive as progress. But I would argue that all of us are looking for progress, just in our own unique ways. And you owe it to yourself to not let the paths others choose to walk upend your peace of mind. I promise you, there is nothing more prejudiced to a peaceful mind than judgement.
#8(With 2 replies)
April 23, 2022 11:37AM
I get what your trying to say here, but they are repeat offenders. It's not a one time thing where they were in the heat of the moment, this is literally years of NOTED bad behavior with punishments and false promises of change. You can only forgive so much. These guys aren't good people and this behavior shouldn't be normalized/accepted.
#13(With 0 replies)
April 24, 2022 12:53AM
Do I think they changed or improved as people? Probably not, no. But that doesn't change the fact they served the heavy punishments they were dealt, and until they crack the very thin ice they tread on with some egregious behavior, the decision shouldn't be arbitrarily made to ban them again from the platform.
#14(With 0 replies)
April 25, 2022 08:38AM
Yeah, it just sounds to me like we're coming at it from a different lens. I agree with what you said about a provable history and that we should not normalize this behavior. But where I disagree is on the accept part, and it goes like this; I live my life by the simple words "expect nothing, accept everything". With every person I meet I expect nothing from them, and I accept whatever they choose to do. And I guess here is my logic- first and foremost everyone should have the freedom to pursue happiness in whatever way they can find it. And in conjunction with that logic, if someone's way of finding happiness is tearing others down, bashing others over the head for being themselves, or any of the general "isim's", it shows that they may have a personal problem. As I said, I agree 100% we shouldn't normalize toxic behavior. But I would argue that by allowing others to just "air shit out" it allows you to see people's character better. At least if I hear or see you constantly being a toxic piece of shit, I can remember that in future.

But as I said, I think it's just different perspective. I totally respect what you're saying, I'm just of the mindset that I'd rather we let people show their true colors- and if they show themselves to be shit, just avoid them. And perhaps I helped get to this mindset by both being a highly tolerant person as well as always being physical enough to know that if I or someone I care about is in danger- I can and will step in. And when you have the combination of not letting the ideas of others effect your inner peace, combined with the ability to defend yourself should someone take things too far- you tend to adopt a "live and let live" mindset. As I said before, to me the counter-signal of someone acting toxic is waaaaaaay more valuable than any emotional negativity their behavior might cause. But this stoic mentality is a dying one, so I digress.
#9(With 0 replies)
April 23, 2022 01:20PM
what a bunch of fucking clowns
#10(With 0 replies)
April 23, 2022 05:32PM
I pugged against snav awhile ago. he was still toxic but seemed liked he was changing. who knows tho
#12(With 0 replies)
April 24, 2022 12:02AM
Constil seems okay, snav is still a douche.
#15(With 0 replies)
March 4, 2025 01:59PM
Still racist. Still rat bastards. Get the out of the scene
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