Copenhagen Wolves owner wins Frag Jersey #1
A mixteam made up of a number of ESEA Advanced players from various teams earned a free invite to the Frag x Tap 2 LAN in Philadelphia on October 18th, joining the likes of Elevate, BOSS, TSM Shimmer, and Karma (now Blue Otter Karma). They also pocketed the lion's share of the $500 prizepool for their trouble.
The mixteam was comprised of players from Amped, Penance, and Wanted Goons. Of note, all three of the aforementioned rosters had already registered for a slot in Frag x Tap 2, so something will have to give with the mix or their main rosters before the main event in Philadelphia.
The Frag Jersey #1 Champions (and their roster of origin) are:
Lucas "fatguy" Muncy (Amped)
"jcr" (Penance)
James "Jachro" Brooks (Wanted Goons)
Dustin "BATSPEED" Haberstumpf (Wanted Goons)
Jared "Outback" Habib (Penance)
In order to register for the second iteration of Frag Jersey on September 21st, you can sign up here.