Photo Credit: Kelly Lacy

Copenhagen Wolves owner wins Frag Jersey #1

Sometimes the C-suite can actually do the job too.

A mixteam made up of a number of ESEA Advanced players from various teams earned a free invite to the Frag x Tap 2 LAN in Philadelphia on October 18th, joining the likes of Elevate, BOSS, TSM Shimmer, and Karma (now Blue Otter Karma). They also pocketed the lion's share of the $500 prizepool for their trouble.

The mixteam was comprised of players from Amped, Penance, and Wanted Goons. Of note, all three of the aforementioned rosters had already registered for a slot in Frag x Tap 2, so something will have to give with the mix or their main rosters before the main event in Philadelphia.

The Frag Jersey #1 Champions (and their roster of origin) are:

  • United States Lucas "fatguy" Muncy (Amped)

  • United States "jcr" (Penance)

  • United States James "Jachro" Brooks (Wanted Goons)

  • United States Dustin "BATSPEED" Haberstumpf (Wanted Goons)

  • United States Jared "Outback" Habib (Penance)

In order to register for the second iteration of Frag Jersey on September 21st, you can sign up here.

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#1(With 0 replies)
August 27, 2024 09:33AM
Jared boss
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August 27, 2024 11:34AM
my goats
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