Stewie2k to sub in for Mythic tonight
He hasn't played an official match since April 2022 when Evil Geniuses lost to the Brazilian GODSENT roster during the IEM Dallas 2022 open qualifier. Still, tonight the Smoke Criminal will be suiting up for the stream team as Austin "Cooper" Abadir has fallen ill.
Joining him is another legend of the game, Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund. This is the first time both play in the same team, despite meeting each other 28 times on the servers during their CS:GO runs.
The decision to bring in Jake "Stewie2k" Yip for Mythic has come in the last few weeks as the former Cloud9 rifler has been playing Counter-Strike 2 with Erik "fl0m" Flom and friends on his Twitch stream.
Stewie2k's relationship with the competitive scene in Counter-Strike has dramatically deteriorated since he departed from Evil Geniuses due to drama emanating from an interview with a former assistant coach of the organization. Having spent time on Cloud9 and Liquid, he was still considered a top player and professional.
In playing for Mythic, he will also end up playing against Evil Geniuses, the same organization he had his infamous separation with.
One of the only Americans to ever win a Major and Intel Grand Slam, Stewie2k remains an icon within North America for his professional play for several years.
Tonight, Mythic will use the following lineup;
Erik "fl0m" Flom
Nicholas "hate" Young
Cooper "Trucklover86" Phelps
Jake "Stewie2k" Yip (Stand-in)
Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund (Stand-in)