Grim has a 1.19 rating so far in IEM Sydney 2023

Grim: "We have a new guy top fragging literally every scrim"

It's safe to say Complexity can shoot.

After defeating Cloud9 to set up a qualification match against Monte, Michael "Grim" Wince talked with Jordan "Elfishguy" Mays and Mitchell "pilski" Pilipowski about coming into their first CS2 event, Complexity's ability to have someone different having a stand-out game, and the preparation for the series against Monte.

Things are looking good for your squad. How's everything going?

It's going well, we had a lot of good prep going into this game with T.c and the rest of the team, especially Jon. We are all getting used to CS2, we are excited to be playing our first event and learning with everyone else.

You had a really good map to start things off on Anubis and it feels like, with the way Complexity has been playing this event, you know JT had a great game of Anubis against Monte before, does it feel to you any of the boys can pop off series to series, like everyone is in pretty decent form?

I think so, especially because during practice we have a new guy top fragging literally every scrim, so that's good to know that everyone can shoot hard when they need to and I'd say that we are all confident in our mechanical abilities so far, so that's not really been a problem for us.

Can you give us a bit of insight about what the next few hours are going to look like for you, obviously having played this game now, you have another game later on this evening, what do you do in that time, you go back to the hotel, relax or do you work hard preparing for that next game?

Honestly, on days like this there's not much time for relaxing. What we do is we take a little amount of time, get some food, eat and chill, decompress from the game, and then we review any mistakes from the game that we had or need to be talked about and start preparing for the next opponent that we are playing on the day.

Complexity would go on to beat Monte 2-0, thus clinching a spot in the playoffs of IEM Sydney 2023. The North American team will face BetBoom in the quarterfinals of the event on Friday at 01:30AM.

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