junior led the squad with 67 kills across the series

EG kick off CCT North Europe Series 6 run with a win

The young squad is looking to get more EU reps under its belt.

Evil Geniuses landed in Europe to bootcamp for the BLAST Premier Fall Groups and have stayed for more weeks of practicing. Despite not winning any series during the BLAST event, EG managed a win over the Eastern European side of ARCRED to advance to the quarterfinals of CCT North Europe Series 6.

The series started off slowly for the North American side, only able to score six rounds on the CT-side of Mirage, picked by their opponents. The second half was a bit better, but not enough to steal ARCRED's map pick, as Boris "Ryujin" Kim shut down EG's offense with fourteen kills and just five deaths during that half.

Map two would be Inferno, picked by EG, and things were looking a lot better, as Colby "Walco" Walsh managed to lead his men to an 8-7 advantage at halftime. The second half saw Paytyn "junior" Johnson put up almost 120 ADR and completely annihilate ARCRED's attack. Evil Geniuses won Inferno 16-10.

On Overpass it looked like EG were finally ready to show their true potential as the team had a flawless 15-0 CT-side half. After losing the second half pistol round and not buying on the following opportunity, junior was able to single-handedly win a 2v4 situation and close the map 16-2.

Evil Geniuses are now waiting for the winner of the MIBR vs. IKLA series. The quarterfinals will be played tomorrow at 05:00AM.

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