Gamers are expanding their business

Former Liquid player joins TV show

This certainly is a big change from the servers to TV.

Jacob "Pimp" Winneche has gone from player to analyst and is ready to turn into a TV star after it was announced that the former Liquid player is set to join a Danish reality TV show called "Traitor".

The show is based on lying and the good guys, "Loyals", have to figure out who is/are the traitor(s). Pimp is known for his honesty in the Counter-Strike world, as it's his job to analyze, criticize and praise players and teams, but can he turn to the dark side?

The first episode of the show has already aired on the Danish TV channel TV2, meaning that the analyst won't be missing any event because of the show, if that's what you are worried about.

On the participant list for the show, Pimp is labeled as a gamer, although the 27-year-old could be considered lots of things, as he has been expanding his horizons, recently starring in BLAST's documentary series, "Changing the Narrative", and is often sharing his passion for cycling and working out. and reached out to Pimp about the show and this is what he had to say:

How did you end up joining the TV show?

I got a call from a host asking if I'd like to be in it. It's not necessarily a reality show, but more like a game. I was a little reluctant about it because reality might not be my thing, but I thought it was a lot of fun to try to explore what that side of the TV world is like. So I said yes.

What made you think “Now I'm going to try to be in reality”?

I did it to challenge myself, I think. Had it been Paradise Hotel or Robinson [Danish reality TV shows] who reached out, it would have said no immediately. In fact, I have already rejected something similar before. But this just sounded a lot of fun, it was also a bit more gamified, you might say. Then I thought that if I were to try it one day or another, this sounded very exciting.

What do you think about the whole experience?

It was a fun learning experience. It's a different kind of TV. It seemed a bit random and a little intangible somehow. But it was a lot of fun to be a part of it. Of course, it's not as rigorous and professional as it is here [CS events], but it was a different and fun experience.

Have you finished filming already or do you have to go back to shoot more?

I'm done filming it, yes. It took place within a relatively short period of time, but it was very intense during that period.

It seems Pimp is able to do everything, but was he able to win the show? I guess you have to find out on TV2!

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