With or without a crowd, oSee is ready to bring it anytime

oSee: "It's our time to get revenge on G2 now"

The AWPer was crucial in yesterday's win against Vitality.

In the semifinal against Vitality, Liquid picked Overpass which has been the norm during IEM Katowice. What wasn't normal was the 12-0 deficit the NA side found themselves in. Liquid managed to pull through the disadvantage and clawed back to an overtime win on the map. Nuke went Vitality's way and then Mirage was close, but Liquid ultimately prevailed.

Throughout the series John "oSee" Ohm was a name that popped up frequently, but even more so during the comeback on the first map. Dust2.us' Liam "Slevo" Slevin talked with the young AWPer about the series, the historic Overpass comeback, and more after the series was over.

oSee, you guys got your revenge against Vitality after the loss at the EPL finals, now that you have taken them down here at the Spodek. What does that mean to you, to have that victory over them now?

I think we are feeling super confident now as a team, obviously, we didn't have the easiest run to make it to the playoffs, so by making it to the playoffs and finally beating Vitality as well, everyone is feeling super confident. It's our time to get revenge on G2 now.

Overpass was quite the map for you guys. You came back from 12-0 down. I think there was only one other time in HLTV history that happened on a map like Overpass. Tell me about that map from your point of view.

Oh, it was definitely tough to stay in it when we were just getting shut down so hard on T-side. When you have a start like that on a map, it's super hard to recover but everyone stayed in it, everyone believed still and our CT-side was really good today which pulled us through and then we pulled it through in overtime. It was crazy, it was a crazy match and I can't explain the feeling after winning that map, it's like nothing can't stop you. Even though Nuke was a pretty one-sided match, we knew that Mirage was still going to be a good map for us, so we had faith the whole time after that first map.

We have started to see Nuke get back into the Liquid map pool at this point. With the way things went against Vitality, are you expecting to see Nuke in the rotation a bit more now, or what needs to be worked on to fix Nuke?

It's definitely a map that we are trying to implement into our map pool but we are not ready yet to be competing against the top teams on it. Still, a lot of work to do on it, but I think with all these matches that we are playing on it recently, we are learning a lot and, eventually, we will get there to the point where we can take maps of the best teams.

We know about your own performances, some people have had questions, but in this event, you have proven a lot of people wrong with the way you have been playing. Tell me a bit about your own form from your perspective.

I definitely have felt like I have been playing better. I feel super confident in myself, it was a feeling that I kind of lost for a little bit and I feel really good now coming into this event. There are still a lot of things that I can improve on and it's a never-ending grind to the top. I'm slowly getting there, I can feel myself getting there and my teammates are there to support me the whole way. I'm ready to show everyone that I'm capable to perform at the top.

The first time I talked to you was back in Cologne, and the headline was "I'm going to do everything I can to get back on stage". Now that you are back on stage, do you feel that you are a bit more comfortable having that experience in a couple of tournaments?

Definitely. After the last stage matches that we played, like Cologne and the Rio major, even though we didn't make it to playoffs, there was still the crazy group stage and the crazy fans in Brazil, I definitely feel a lot more comfortable on stage now and it just feels like a normal LAN match now. Whenever I'm playing now on stage, I don't even think about the crowd now, so I'm definitely getting into my comfort zone on stage matches and it's only up from here, I feel like.

You also mentioned the revenge against G2. Tell me, with the form they have been in, what's going to be the key to stopping those guys?

They are in really good form now, and they look unstoppable, and I think they are not even doing something crazy tactically, they are just popping off individually, they are feeling super confident and you can see it in their play as well. Everyone is not scared to make solo plays and when there's a team like that, especially with the individuals they have, it's super tough to play against, but I have faith in me and the guys, and I know it's going to be a really good match, no matter what form they are in. We are just going to try our best to take down the raid boss (laughs).

Liquid are now set to face G2 in the semifinal of IEM Katowice, today at 01:00PM.

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