chelo: "Playing with fer and FalleN is a dream come true."
After winning the opening match against Isurus to start his Americas RMR campaign, Marcelo "chelo" Cespedes talked with our own Dafydd about the chance to be playing in Imperial, the goals of the roster, the IEM Rio major, and Imperial's objectives.
How did you feel playing Isurus?
Playing against Isurus was good. We didn't practice against Brazilian teams and we expected a calm match. We managed to maintain control over them, we won an eco round which really helped us. I think the pistol and that eco opened up the game for us. It was a relatively peaceful game for us.
Why did you end up joining Imperial?
I joined Imperial because I always dreamed of playing with fer. He is my only idol in Counter-Strike, so for me playing with fer and FalleN is a dream come true.
You are known for shouting and screaming. Do you bring that energy to this team?
I think I can bring good energy to the team. They weren't the type of team that would scream. Seeing FalleN screaming alongside me is amazing. I think I'm bringing a lot more positives outside the server rather than inside the server.
What would you say is the longevity of this team?
When I joined the team I knew fer and FalleN had two more years playing, maybe not even that long, so for me it was the opportunity I was seeking since I started playing CS:GO. However long it lasts, I will be happy to be playing with them.
With that in mind, is this major the last dance?
No, I pray that it isn't.
How important is it to play in Rio?
I think it's a dream for every Brazilian since the Major cycle started. I don't know how to describe the excitement of the team to reach the playoffs in Rio and to lift the trophy this time. It's every Brazilian's dream.
What do you want to achieve with this roster, as a team?
Our main goal is to qualify for the Rio major, get to the playoffs and play in front of the crowd. Those are our main goals for now.
How does joining Imperial help your career?
Joining Imperial for me, beyond being a dream come true, brought a lot of positives. Getting to know FalleN, he and the rest of the team help me every day. It's bringing a lot as a player and as a person in general. I think that from here I get to evolve everyday. It's being very good for me.
After winning their first map against Isurus, chelo and his compatriots will face 9z in their 1-0 matchup.