stanislaw: "I feel that I was setup to fail from the very start"
Peter "stanislaw" Jarguz, who was just replaced on Team Liquid by former Immortals player Lucas "steel" Lopes, has released a TwitLonger sharing his thoughts on his time with the team, and reacting to no longer being on it.
In the message, he relates that from his time joining up with Liquid, it was clear to him that "problems on this team ran deep". Saying that the switch of IGL duties from himself to Nick "nitr0" Canella was simply due to himself not being able to make it work anymore.
stanislaw was quick to give credit to nitr0, saying that he adapted and improved as an IGL at a quick rate, and was also able to activate Russel "Twistzz" Van Dulken.
stanislaw went on to say that he felt that the culture of the team was too dependent upon harping on every mistake, instead of focusing on the bigger picture. This is something that he says made him to start second guess himself, his in-game decisions, and the way that he played.
Seemingly, issues between stanislaw and coach Wilton "zews" Prado eventually came to several boils. stanislaw says that he was overall happy with the team's result at the Americas Minor (which they attended without zews), and that after the event he "felt like Broken inline got back on the right path".
The next and final event that Liquid played was the iBUYPOWER Masters, where they finished in 3/4th place, and stanislaw says that things at the event "felt off from the start" — and speculating the decision to replace him had already been made before the event.
stanislaw ended by saying that he believes that when he was brought into the team, Liquid already had a strong leader in zews, and that the two are "fundamentally different types of leaders". He apologized to his teammates, specifically nitr0 and Twistzz, for being "absolutely miserable" over the past month and allowing it "to affect my gameplay and my teammates".
The new-look Liquid are scheduled to play their first match at IEM Oakland in approximately six hours, where they will face the Australian/North American squad of Renegades.