Rogue will look to acquire more LAN results

DreamHack reveals Austin closed qualifier invites

The normal faces of Rogue, Splyce, and more make their way to the closed qualifier.

The closed qualifier invites for DreamHack Austin have been announced by the tournament organizer on Twitter. For North America, this sees compLexity, eUnited, Rogue, and Splyce acquire spots in the eight team qualifier set to start on April 15th. The other four spots will be filled by teams from the open qualifier, taking place on the 13th and 14th.

compLexity, who recently saw in-game leader Pujan "FNS" Mehta leave for Cloud9, have had good results in qualifiers recently, placing second in the closed qualifiers for IEM Sydney and DreamHack Tours. eUnited have also had online success, placing top two in ESEA MDL Season 27, and will attend the Global Challenge in May.

Rogue notably played in this years' Copenhagen Games, but were eliminated in the early stages. They did however come back and win the B tournament over Finally, Splyce have had a pretty rough time since Daniel "roca" Gustaferri left the team and could only muster a max of top four at the three different qualifiers they attended recently.

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#1(With 0 replies)
April 12, 2018 09:27PM
eU over torqued?
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