Victor 'iDk' Torraca
Brazil iDk
Bruno 'shz' Martinelli
Brazil shz
Matheus 'pesadelo' Panisset
Brazil pesadelo
Arthur 'f4stzin' Schmitt
Brazil f4stzin
Cássio 'cass1n' Santos
Brazil cass1n
Win streak
Match info

The CS2 match between paiN and inSanitY is a part of CBCS Masters 2024 and is played September 23, 2024 11:00AM

paiN is ranked 11 in the world going up against inSanitY who is ranked 117 in the world.

The maps to be played is not yet known. The map pool of the event consist of Dust2, Mirage, Inferno, Nuke, Vertigo, Ancient and Anubis.

paiN's match lineup
biguzera, nqz, kauez, snow and lux
inSanitY's match lineup
iDk, shz, pesadelo, f4stzin and cass1n
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