The current CS2 map pool is primarily T-sided, data from FACEIT shows

The game gets harder for the CT-side, especially at the highest FACEIT levels.

Nuke, Mirage, and Train are the only maps primarily CT-sided in CS2, according to data gathered from 1 million FACEIT matches by SCOPE.GG. On Anubis, Dust2, Ancient, and Inferno, the Ts have a higher winrate.

Nuke is primarily CT-sided across all 10 levels on FACEIT except level 9, which is 50-50. On Mirage, the Ts are slightly beating the CT-side on level 8 and 9 matches.

Curiously, the T-side is stronger on Train only in level 2 matches. According to SCOPE.GG, the CT-side gets weaker as the skill level gets higher minus on Train and Inferno.

This data brought by adds fuel to the theory that Counter-Strike became too T-side heavy since CS2 launched in 2023 and introduced MR12, along with the increase of the peekers' advantage, among other factors.

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