Cooper is attempting to revitalize North America with grassroots competition

Cooper to bring back money ten mans to improve NA CS scene

North American CS is in need of a revival.

Austin "Cooper" Abadir, American Counter-Strike streamer, content creator, and AWPer for Mythic, said in a post on X that he plans on bringing back money ten man PUGs for those who are interested. In his post, Cooper made some loose guidelines that said players who don't try or pay would be removed from the hub.

The aim would be for these $10 buy-in matches to serve as another option to streaming FACEIT Pro League, with the aim being to bring back the entertainment value and high-level matches that were a common part of the CS:GO scene during Rank S's heyday.

This post may have been partially in response to Timothy "autimatic" Ta's recent YouTube video regarding the state of North American CS.

Cooper also detailed who might be included in the $10 mans. He said that people involved in the hub would be pro players, up-and-coming talents, and content creators - with a focus put on creating content around the hub's serious games, where players are putting up their own money behind the result.

Cooper later added another post to the thread outlining his surprise at the number of people willing to join the hub. He went on to say that he will find others who are more familiar with the scene to flesh out an official set of rules and guidelines.

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#1(With 0 replies)
March 20, 2025 07:25AM
W the egg hub is cracking this year
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