Pros react to the return of Train to CS
Valve's Nov. 13 update to Counter-Strike 2 saw the triumphant return of a once beloved staple of the map pool: Train.
The map has been drastically overhauled for its CS2 debut, both visually and gameplay-wise. Several significant changes have been made to the map's layout:
Popdog is now Longdog: the ladder and short hallway leading from upper T side is now a spiral staircase and a much longer hallway.
Both sites are now more open with less traincars.
Heaven on the A site is gone.
The upper platform on B now features a large divider.
Many players are welcoming the map's return, likely due to the current frustrations with the active map pool. But opinions on the new map appear to be split.
One one side, several pros are already enthusiastic about adding Train to the map pool. NAVI's Justinas "jL" Lekavičius already wants it in instead of Vertigo, and Vitality captain Dan "apEX" Madesclaire likes it as well.
NA player and content creator Austin Meadows gave some extended thoughts on the map in a recent video. He said that the changes to Ivy now give players a reason to take control of that area, and liked how clean the changes to Popdog (now Longdog) are.
A common thread amongst those who like and dislike Train is the feeling that the map has become more T-sided. "I feel like that it became quite T-sided, said former star Kenny "kennyS" Schrub, adding "with a little amount of utilities you can easily take control of A." ENCE's Viktor "sdy" Orudzhev also feels that the CT side has been nerfed.
New Train has some detractors, though these players are more critical of Valve's approach to maps than of the map itself. Astralis' captain Casper "cadiaN" Møller admitted he's not a big fan, saying that the remakes of classic CS:GO maps have "not been good." MOUZ's Kamil "siuhy" Szkaradek added that CS "is losing its game feeling" by trying to be more realistic.
It should still be some time before the map touches the active duty map pool, Premier games, or prominent esports events. In all likelihood, there will be an update in the next couple weeks that addresses any exploits or issues that players will inevitably discover.
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