Could skullz already be poached?

SPUNJ's "OverDrive"-level rumor: FURIA interested in skullz

What could be next for the Brazilian?

Liquid are already under intense speculation as it is rumored that the organization are willing to part ways with IGL Casper "cadiaN" Møller.

However, there are new rumors afoot in regards to Liquid's roster and a regional rival. FURIA are apparently interested in signing the bright young Brazilian starlet Felipe "skullz" Medeiros on Liquid only a few months after his blockbuster $600,000 signing.

FURIA has been looking for a new permanent member to add to its roster following the departure of Andrei "arT" Piovezan, who has since begun a new story on Fluxo. In his place, FURIA have enlisted Kayke "kye" Bertolucci from their Academy who has unfortunately not been able to adjust to the next level of competition.

HLTV Confirmed co-host and Australian caster extraordinaire Chad "SPUNJ" Burchill revealed the potential interest during yesterday's broadcast of the popular podcast with an "OverDrive-level" rumor.

"I have an OverDrive level rumor, I have an OverDrive level rumor," the Co-Host began. "Nothing to do with Twistzz, - I heard, I heard... This is an OverDrive level rumor..."

Milan "Striker" Švejda quickly interjected to ask SPUNJ for an explanation on what he means by "OverDrive level rumor", which clearly alludes to current Team Spirit staff member and CIS insider Aleksey "OverDrive" Biryukov.

"Because I don't know who I heard it from, I just heard it... I think FURIA are trying to get skullz."

The move for skullz would be interesting as FURIA have continued to hunt for a permanent fifth, but given Liquid's current roster instability one wonders if the organization is willing to part with another piece heading into the player break. had reached out to contacts at both FURIA and Liquid for comment on the story yesterday afternoon, however neither organization responded by the time of publication.

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#1(With 0 replies)
June 6, 2024 12:26PM
kye so bad they're upgrading to skullz. Furia is finished.
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