Is BlameF one of the smartest IGLs?

blameF: "I think I called some insane games today"

The Danish IGL certainly looked dominant against his fellow countrymen today.

Heroic has long been the most dominant team in Denmark, consistently topping the rankings thanks to their longevitity as a roster and their consistent placings in events. However, after a turbulent few years, Astralis has created their own Danish superteam filled with young players that are ready to take on the world. Last night, Astralis shocked the world as Benjamin "blameF" Bremer took his squad to a dominant victory over Heroic. After the match,' Jeffrey "Mnmzzz" Moore spoke with the strongest IGL in the world to talk about what it means to beat Heroic, the ascension of Buzz, and what it would mean to win his first trophy with Astralis.

How does it feel as part of Astralis to finally beat Heroic in the Danish Derby?

I am super happy about the win, it feels great, but I don't care about whether they are Danish or not. For me, it's just another matchup. On stage, the team is ranked #1 in the world right now so I am just super happy that we took them down. I am also proud of my calling today, I think I called some insane games today and also proud of my teammates for doing what we agreed upon.

Buzz had an incredible game today, especially as a lurker on Inferno. How much of that was calling coming from you and how much was his intuition?

I think a lot of that is his natural intuition, but of course, how we play is not random. We talk about it on the server, like how we want our positions to play and how we want to do stuff. The credit goes to him completely, I am not sitting telling him what to do - when he finds timing and stuff that's on him.

What would it mean for you to win your first trophy under the organization?

Winning a trophy on LAN would be the biggest thing in my entire life, I couldn't compare it to anything else because I have never experienced anything close to these experiences. I am not even thinking about that, I am thinking about what we are focused on as a team, how we want to play, the agreements we have with each other, and just making sure that I do my part of it.

Should G2 be scared tomorrow?

That's up to them

Astralis are scheduled to play G2 in the semi-final match today at 01:00PM.

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