SileNt won last week's Rank S

Rank S Recap - Week of November 12

We take a look at this past week's Rank S results and also some Rank G prospects

Last week's Rank S has come to a close, with the top 10 players receiving a portion of the available prize pool. Samuel "SileNt" Portillo won the largest portion, placing 1st with 87 points, receiving $1,250 for his performance. Here are the top 20 players from last week:

Rank Name Team Division Prize $
1. United States Samuel "SileNt" Portillo Swole Patrol MDL $1,250
2. United States Matt "Pollo" Wilson GX MDL $1,000
3. United States Jeff "REZU" Ngo     $750
4. United States Leonardo "Laski" Arroyo subtLe MDL $500
5. Canada Bradley "ANDROID-X23" Fodor compLexity Pro $450
6. United States Peter "ptr" Gurney compLexity Pro $350
7.  David "devoduvek" Dobrosavljevic Misfits Pro $300
8. Canada Yassine "Subroza" Taoufik FRENCH CANADIANS MDL $250
9. Canada Anthony "gMd" Guimond FRENCH CANADIANS MDL $200
10. Sweden Fredrik "elo" Annerström Tempo Storm SE Open $150
11. United States Skyler "Relyks" Weaver      
12. Canada Jason "jasonR" Ruchelski      
13. United States Jake "Stewie2K" Yip Cloud9 Pro  
14. United States Sam "s0m" Oh ex-Naventic MDL  
15. United States James "hazed" Cobb      
16.  François "AmaNEk" Delaunay Misfits Pro  
17. Mexico Edgar "MarKE" Jimenez Gale Force MDL  
18.  Cvetelin "CeRq" Dimitrov NRG Pro  
19. United States Dylan "RIKO" Sabin-Arnce      
20. Canada Loic "effys" Sauvageau FRENCH CANADIANS MDL  

The main teams included in the top 20 last week were compLexity, Swole Patrol, Misfits, FRENCH CANADIANS, and NRG. Some lesser known players such as the teamless Jeff "REZU" Ngo and Sam "s0m" Oh from ex-Naventic made their way into the top 20 as well. The rest of the standings for Rank S can be found on the ESEA website.

Down in Rank G, there has been fierce competition so far in the month of November for those players who wish to make it into the prestigious Rank S. The top five players in Rank G in November so far are:

Rank Name Team Division
1. United States Blake "Strings" Stringer Bushido Boyz MDL
2. United States Michael "syanide" Keys Problematic Intermediate
3. United States "Logic" Worse than Chlamydia Open
4. United States Kyle "Just2EZ" Tan    
5. United States Emma "Emy" Choe CLG Red Main

Keep a lookout for these players to perhaps make their way up the ladder to Rank S. It should be noted that Logic is banned until this Thursday for a Rank G Conduct Violation. The rest of the Rank G standings can also be found on the ESEA website.

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#1(With 0 replies)
November 21, 2017 06:35PM
ez for Strings. Rank S December or die trying.
#2(With 0 replies)
November 22, 2017 07:32AM
clg red player t5 in rank G? Interesting
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