Scheduling snafus had kaboose and F1-racecar-PEEK worked up

Four teams left in dramatic second Americas Minor North America Open Qualifier

There are four teams remaining in the final two games of this qualifier, as they look to reach the closed qualifier.

The second Americas Minor North America Open Qualifier is currently mid-way through play, with drama and results abounding. With the semifinals being played later tonight, from which the winning teams head to the closed qualifier, it's a good time to get you all up to speed with the results.

90 teams signed up for the qualifier, each slowly getting whittled down through each round of play. The first well known team to be taken out of the competition was CLG Red, who were knocked out by Gorilla Gang in the round of 32. A notable upset in the same round saw  Advanced team Enter get knocked out by Intermediate team "Legend Has It".

The bracket continued until F1-racecar-PEEK, Born, Dignitas, Fam143, Prospects, iNTACT, isaGOD and Mythic were through to the quarterfinals. F1-racecar-PEEK made their way through to the semifinals in controversial manner, thanks to fixture overlaps. The best way of describing the process is through this tweet from Jake "kaboose" McDonald:

In the end, this didn't do them too wrong, ending up with a 2-1 win over their opponents Born, with a 16-12 win on Inferno and a 16-6 win on Overpass, after two good performances from kaboose and Danny "huynh" Huynh.

The other games were all much more straightforward for the successful teams, with each team taking a 2-0 victory. Dignitas beat Fam143 16-7 on Mirage and 16-13 on Inferno with Peter "ptr" Gurney taking a starring role, and iNTACT defeated Prospects 16-14 on Nuke before a a 16-5 win on Mirage.

Mythic was the final team through, and the streaming all-stars managed it without much effort. A 16-2 win on Inferno was followed up by a 16-12 win on Dust2 against isaGod.

This leaves the final matches of the open qualifier as follows:

2 - 0
All maps
Dignitas K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Peter 'ptr' Gurney 45 - 21 +24 89.1 74.5% 1.53
United States Mitch 'mitch' Semago 43 - 19 +24 87.2 83.0% 1.53
United States Gage 'Infinite' Green 37 - 28 +9 81.0 76.6% 1.37
United States Ronnie 'ryx' Bylicki 30 - 27 +3 76.1 78.7% 1.17
United States Michael 'Grim' Wince 25 - 26 -1 69.5 76.6% 1.11
iNTACT K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Alan 'Shakezullah' Hardeman 30 - 32 -2 72.8 66.0% 0.93
United States Ali 'optimus' Mashhour 28 - 38 -10 60.2 61.7% 0.79
United States Michael 'Turismo' Haas 21 - 36 -15 60.1 59.6% 0.72
United States Sam 'Noxio' Goodwin 19 - 37 -18 57.0 53.2% 0.62
United States Christopher 'Swahn' Swahn 22 - 37 -15 58.1 40.4% 0.60

2 - 0
All maps
Mythic K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Erik 'fl0m' Flom 43 - 30 +13 92.2 80.0% 1.45
United States Eric 'adreN' Hoag 41 - 27 +14 83.9 84.0% 1.36
United States James 'hazed' Cobb 40 - 30 +10 82.9 76.0% 1.33
United States Todd 'anger' Williams 40 - 29 +11 87.5 78.0% 1.31
United States Adam 'Polen' Polen 32 - 30 +2 67.7 74.0% 1.11
F1-racecar-PEEK K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Jake 'kaboose' McDonald 42 - 37 +5 82.3 68.0% 1.08
Canada Danny 'huynh' Huynh 32 - 37 -5 64.9 62.0% 0.90
United States Alex 'lanhero' Suarez 30 - 42 -12 75.6 66.0% 0.84
United States Gabe 'Spongey' Greiner 24 - 40 -16 56.1 62.0% 0.63
United States Daniel 'tropiiical' Elshani 18 - 40 -22 49.9 54.0% 0.58

Play will resume tonight at 8PM EDT, with the winning sides advancing to the Americas Minor Closed Qualifier.

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#1(With 0 replies)
June 6, 2018 01:03PM
f1 2-1 mythic

intact 2-1 dig
#2(With 2 replies)
June 6, 2018 01:15PM
intact cut noxio and they can be a good team
#3(With 1 replies)
June 6, 2018 01:22PM
noxio isnt bad he adds a lot of support to the team
#7(With 0 replies)
June 6, 2018 04:49PM
#4(With 5 replies)
June 6, 2018 01:31PM
joe stop talking
#5(With 1 replies)
June 6, 2018 01:55PM
Dust2 Birthday cake!
I don't see my name in the byline
#10(With 0 replies)
June 6, 2018 08:05PM
Dust2 Birthday cake!
#6(With 2 replies)
June 6, 2018 03:59PM
Dust2 Birthday cake!
I didn't say anything, what the hell
#8(With 1 replies)
June 6, 2018 05:13PM
Dust2 Birthday cake!
#9(With 0 replies)
June 6, 2018 05:57PM
You're the impostor.
#11(With 2 replies)
June 6, 2018 08:14PM
f1 are gonna take it 2-1, dig will take it 2-0. Heard it here first :)
#12(With 1 replies)
June 6, 2018 10:37PM
Dust2 Birthday cake!
#13(With 0 replies)
June 8, 2018 08:07AM
did not expect mythic to take out f1 in that fashion, thought it would be close :(
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