Thunder Logic

Thunder Logic vs. AA tips & odds

eFire Master League North America
March 23, 2020Mar 23, 2020
1 - 2
Thunder Logic
Bryce 'PureR' Lovell
United States PureR
Andy 'Andersin' Collins
United States Andersin
Sean 'Inseaniac' Morrison
Canada Inseaniac
Brandon 'Sharkie' Ly
United States Sharkie
Amgalan 'genghsta' Nemekhbayar
Win streak
Brenden 'stellar' McGrath
United States stellar
Robert 'robby' Brown
United States robby
Lucas 'Fiziq' Blow
United States Fiziq
Damian 'EMIYA' Boulware
United States EMIYA
Matthew 'nero' Seymour
United States nero
Win streak
Thunder Logic K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Amgalan 'genghsta' Nemekhbayar 55 - 56 -1 77.1 69.4% 1.00
Canada Sean 'Inseaniac' Morrison 51 - 51 +0 71.4 59.7% 0.94
United States Bryce 'PureR' Lovell 49 - 63 -14 71.9 65.3% 0.93
United States Andy 'Andersin' Collins 47 - 58 -11 76.5 58.3% 0.86
United States Brandon 'Sharkie' Ly 36 - 57 -21 57.2 62.5% 0.74
AA K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Damian 'EMIYA' Boulware 58 - 47 +11 92.5 75.0% 1.34
United States Lucas 'Fiziq' Blow 64 - 47 +17 91.9 79.2% 1.32
United States Brenden 'stellar' McGrath 63 - 49 +14 94.2 75.0% 1.32
United States Robert 'robby' Brown 58 - 46 +12 79.4 77.8% 1.25
United States Matthew 'nero' Seymour 41 - 49 -8 61.2 66.7% 0.91
Thunder Logic K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Amgalan 'genghsta' Nemekhbayar 24 - 17 +7 106.4 68.0% 1.47
United States Bryce 'PureR' Lovell 22 - 18 +4 81.7 68.0% 1.28
Canada Sean 'Inseaniac' Morrison 18 - 14 +4 80.3 68.0% 1.19
United States Andy 'Andersin' Collins 23 - 20 +3 87.8 68.0% 1.14
United States Brandon 'Sharkie' Ly 12 - 19 -7 49.2 76.0% 0.83
1 - 0
2 - 0
3 - 0
4 - 0
5 - 3
6 - 3
7 - 3
8 - 8
9 - 8
10 - 8
11 - 8
12 - 8
13 - 9
14 - 9
15 - 9
16 - 9
4 - 1
4 - 2
4 - 3
7 - 4
7 - 5
7 - 6
7 - 7
7 - 8
12 - 9
AA K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Damian 'EMIYA' Boulware 20 - 17 +3 83.7 64.0% 1.22
United States Brenden 'stellar' McGrath 19 - 20 -1 95.0 76.0% 1.12
United States Matthew 'nero' Seymour 17 - 21 -4 70.9 68.0% 0.87
United States Robert 'robby' Brown 18 - 20 -2 65.6 68.0% 0.86
United States Lucas 'Fiziq' Blow 14 - 21 -7 71.8 60.0% 0.81
Thunder Logic K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Bryce 'PureR' Lovell 20 - 24 -4 88.4 68.0% 1.01
Amgalan 'genghsta' Nemekhbayar 17 - 19 -2 65.1 76.0% 0.90
United States Andy 'Andersin' Collins 15 - 19 -4 79.0 52.0% 0.88
United States Brandon 'Sharkie' Ly 13 - 19 -6 66.3 64.0% 0.80
Canada Sean 'Inseaniac' Morrison 16 - 20 -4 63.8 48.0% 0.72
1 - 0
2 - 0
3 - 7
4 - 7
5 - 7
6 - 12
7 - 12
8 - 12
9 - 15
2 - 1
2 - 2
2 - 3
2 - 4
2 - 5
2 - 6
2 - 7
5 - 8
5 - 9
5 - 10
5 - 11
5 - 12
8 - 13
8 - 14
8 - 15
9 - 16
AA K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Lucas 'Fiziq' Blow 23 - 13 +10 91.6 92.0% 1.48
United States Brenden 'stellar' McGrath 22 - 15 +7 93.5 72.0% 1.38
United States Robert 'robby' Brown 22 - 17 +5 85.4 84.0% 1.37
United States Damian 'EMIYA' Boulware 21 - 18 +3 94.2 72.0% 1.28
United States Matthew 'nero' Seymour 12 - 18 -6 62.0 56.0% 0.82
Thunder Logic K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Canada Sean 'Inseaniac' Morrison 17 - 17 +0 69.9 63.6% 0.93
Amgalan 'genghsta' Nemekhbayar 14 - 20 -6 57.3 63.6% 0.65
United States Brandon 'Sharkie' Ly 11 - 19 -8 55.9 45.5% 0.62
United States Andy 'Andersin' Collins 9 - 19 -10 60.6 54.5% 0.57
United States Bryce 'PureR' Lovell 7 - 21 -14 42.2 59.1% 0.52
1 - 7
2 - 7
3 - 10
4 - 12
5 - 12
6 - 15
0 - 1
0 - 2
0 - 3
0 - 4
0 - 5
0 - 6
0 - 7
2 - 8
2 - 9
2 - 10
3 - 11
3 - 12
5 - 13
5 - 14
5 - 15
6 - 16
AA K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Lucas 'Fiziq' Blow 27 - 13 +14 115.0 86.4% 1.83
United States Robert 'robby' Brown 18 - 9 +9 88.1 81.8% 1.59
United States Damian 'EMIYA' Boulware 17 - 12 +5 100.5 90.9% 1.56
United States Brenden 'stellar' McGrath 22 - 14 +8 94.1 77.3% 1.47
United States Matthew 'nero' Seymour 12 - 10 +2 49.4 77.3% 1.07
Match info

The CS2 match between Thunder Logic and AA is a part of eFire Master League North America and was played March 23, 2020 08:00PM

Thunder Logic was ranked 133 in the world at the time going up against AA who was ranked 122 in the world.

The following maps were played: Dust2, Mirage and Overpass

Thunder Logic's match lineup
PureR, Andersin, Inseaniac, Sharkie and genghsta
AA's match lineup
stellar, robby, Fiziq, EMIYA and nero
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