Jason Lake says it is "unlikely" that Valve officially uses Cache

Don't expect to see the remade classic in the official pool anytime soon.

Map creator Shawn "FMPONE" Snelling revealed the remade Cache for Counter-Strike 2 earlier this week. However, it appears that the remade map likely won't be featured in the Active Duty map pool anytime soon.

Complexity founder and owner Jason Lake posted on X (formerly known as Twitter) that he's "hearing it's actually very unlikely Valve uses this officially." In the replies to his post, Lake added that "allegedly Valve has no interest in buying or leasing the map for official play."

Lake did also note that the "buzz [he's] hearing could be totally wrong," and added that he's currently trying to find out more information. He also hopes that Cache does eventually make its way to the pool, claiming that both Cache and Overpass are already better than Mirage.

FMPONE released the map onto the Steam Workshop on Monday, and it got approval as a community map later in the day. And while it's not official on Valve, other matchmaking services like FACEIT have already made Cache available to play.

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