Media: Liquid target ultimate

Liquid gamble on another unknown European.

According to a report by HLTV, Roland "ultimate" Tomkowiak is a frontrunner to join Team Liquid's squad coming into the second half of 2024. The unproven Pole will take over the AWP role from departing IGL Casper "cadiaN" Møller, who was benched last month due to disappointing results in the past season.

This move comes part of a larger rebuild, as not only do Liquid look to replace both IGL and AWP sides of cadiaN, but also anchor Felipe "skullz" Medeiros and coach Wilton "zews" Prado.

The relatively unknown AWPer comes from free agency, released from Illuminar at the end of June. ultimate posted a strong 1.17 rating during his time with the Polish squad, finishing every event bar one with a positive rating.

This move comes out of left field, as ultimate is nearly entirely unproven against tier one opposition. He has never played on a top twenty team and has only one LAN event recorded by HLTV.

ultimate's debut with Liquid will be at BLAST Fall Groups 2024, beginning on July 29th.

With ultimate, Liquid's current roster is:

  • Canada Keith "NAF" Markovic

  • Mareks "YEKINDAR" Gaļinskis

  • Canada Russel "Twistzz" Van Dulken

  • Roland "ultimate" Tomkowiak

  • Brazil Felipe "skullz" Medeiros (Reportedly acquired by FURIA)

  • Denmark Casper "cadiaN" Møller (Inactive)

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July 4, 2024 06:59PM
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