Can you believe it America?! Jake "Stewie2k" Yip has helped G2 take down FaZe in his first LAN and stage game in years! This is a massive upset for G2 and for Stewie2k as the entire crowd chanted the American's name. He was fired up the entire match, playing with a passion we have not seen from the young player is years. It doesn't matter what happens next, Stewie2k is officially back.
Dust2 was where G2 decided to get things started off, with the American's team started to struggle on the T-side as they went down 1-4 early on. The eventually started to come back but could only muster five offensive rounds before they switched to the defense.
The CT side was where G2 came alive as Stewie2k's teammates powered through to not just launch a comeback, but an absolute shutdown of FaZe. Ilya "m0NESY" Osipov was the key difference maker as he ensured that their European rivals would not be able to finish out the game as G2 secured the opening map 13-8.
Things went from good, to only better. G2 had the momentum and they had the crowd behind him. Stewie2k was putting in the work and making sure that he did his job correctly. It was all worth it as FaZe struggled on their own map pick and managed to get only two rounds as they had a mountain to climb back from in the second half.
The second half... Man. This was all thanks to Stewie2k. The crowd, the momentum, the showmanship. G2 just punished FaZe and put them away. It was 13-3. It's all over. Goodbye FaZe.
It's the Stewie Effect.
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