It was not an easy day yesterday

Siuhy on last night's incident: "It was a terrifying moment"

The MOUZ IGL opened up about last night's incident.

During last night's match between G2 and MOUZ, two instigators managed to rush the stage before being tackled and led away by security. The incident disrupted the match for about thirty minutes and no players were harmed, despite threats.

At this time, MOUZ and G2 players had been escorted off of the stage and were safely away from the actions unfolding in the arena. In a message today, MOUZ IGL Kamil "siuhy" Szkaradek described the experience as "terrifying" as they did not know what was happening before their eyes.

"It was a terrifying moment for us all, from our perspective we didn't know what was going on for a long time, we were pushed off the stage TWO times and during this chaos we mishear a scary message which quickly caused emotions to rise high", the Polish player explained. "After such news and situation, it's difficult to sit down and continue playing as if nothing happened."

The incident from last night has caused a lot of upsetment amongst fans who have applauded the security response. PGL has said they are pursuing criminal charges against the trespassers, while those who organized the incident have promised to repeat their actions for today.

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