EliGE got 16 kills against Elevate

Top 5 Highlights from Day 1 of PGL Copenhagen Major Americas RMR

NA 3-3 SA in matches between the two regions.

The PGL Major Copenhagen Americas RMR started, as usual, with the BO1s, meaning fewer maps and fewer highlights to choose from. Despite this, there were some incredible plays that deserve to be shown again and again.

At the end of the first day of competition, North and South America share the same number of wins against one another, in a show of balance between the two subregions. With Day 2 introducing the BO3 elimination series, there will be more plays to select, but for now, let's check the five best plays from yesterday.

Honorable mention | NAF Five Seven 3K on force buy round

Although not the flashiest or prettiest play, Keith "NAF" Markovic makes the list as an honorable mention with this hero play on a force buy round. Completely stopping BESTIA's attempt at taking over the B site of Inferno, NAF's play jump-started Liquid's defense, which would be crucial to take the win.

#5 EliGE 4K

This play would be much higher if the Elevate members had more health. Nonetheless, Jonathan "EliGE" Jablonowski is the one to open the highlight list with a 4K after catching Elevate's defense by surprise. A round that could have gone wrong became easy thanks to EliGE, that's what he brings to the table.


Brazilians are known for their raw aim ability and Henrique "HEN1" Teles is that type of Brazilian. The AWPer made a point on the very first pistol round of the game against NRG to show that he was not there to play. 3 quick and accurate headshots dismantled the post-plant situation the Canadian squad had prepared.

#3 freshie 1v2 clutch

Taking the lowest step of the podium is Adam "freshie" Paterson with a cold 1v2 clutch against MIBR. This round comes after losing the second round of the match after winning the pistol, which stopped the Brazilians from snowballing on the CT-side.

#2 Swisher 3K swing round

Another Ancient clip, this time from the M80 v. ODDIK match, with Michael "Swisher" Schmid stopping the Brazilians early on in the round with a very effective mid-take. This round would be even more important, as it was the turning point for the North American squad, who had lost the previous three rounds allowing ODDIK to tie the game. After this play, M80 cruised to the win.

#1 PwnAlone 1v2 3K clutch

The best play from the day was Josh "PwnAlone" Pigue's 1v2 clutch with a 3K. People like to meme about him being a "33-year-old talent", but PwnAlone was crucial in many moments against MIBR yesterday, this is just the flashiest moment of them all. A clean 1v2 win, showing a lot of presence of mind and not a single moment of hesitation.

The PGL Copenhagen Major Americas RMR returns today at 11:00AM with Complexity v. BOSS, and paiN v. RED Canids, both matches to see who goes up 2-0.

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