Maniac and Freya led the way for a great show!

HLTV Award Show brings in over 100k peak viewers

A great show by all!

The HLTV Award Show 2023 was held over the weekend at the MTS Dvorana in Belgrade, Serbia to full crowd of professional players, casters, hosts, and other industry leaders. This was the second award show that has held, with the first show being held on January 14th in Stockholm, Sweden.

That first show was a breakthrough for the company and the largest event held by the news outlet in its history. During the 2022 show, achieved a peak viewership of 62,295 viewers as the Counter-Strike world watched the first-ever live reveal of the best players and teams in the world.

For the 2023 awards, Stream Charts notes a peak viewership of 100,004 overall, with co-streamers like OhnePixel and Gaules contributing at least 40,000 viewers combined. The individual Twitch channel for HLTV had a peak viewership of 40,622.

The show lasted for approximately five hours and distributed several awards, including Women's Player of the Year, Team of the Year, Rookie of the Year, and a slew of community-focused awards. You can rewatch the entire event on YouTube.

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