Community rages in reaction to ESL Impact 2024 calendar

Fair to say the news was not well-received.

ESL Impact announced that changes would be coming in 2024 and fans were not thrilled with what they read. There was the removal of ESL Impact Katowice, but more crucially, the organizer revealed that slots from the Americas and Asia will be removed in future events.

The community didn't take long to react and voice their opinions, criticizing the changes and asking for ESL Impact to justify them. Players, coaches, casters, analysts, and fans from the affected regions all joined forces and hope to see the changes reverted. At the time of publication, the tournament organizer is yet to acknowledge the situation.

The replies in the post are filled with North Americans criticizing the changes and South Americans, mostly Brazilians, asking for ESL Impact to "GIVE SA ONE MORE SPOT." It's rare to encounter a reply from Europeans, but the official Ninjas in Pyjamas account replied with "STOCKHOLM FINALS YOU SAY?" in what is now an incredible tone-deaf response. NAVI's performance coach also joined the fight for the community, asking for the Katowice event to be returned.

Vivienne "BiBiAhn" Quach, who moved from Australia to represent FlyQuest RED, didn't write much but encapsulated everyone's feelings.

Vanessa "vanessa" Gideon, from EG Gold, left an emotional message about how the changes impact more than having one less representative in the LAN event at the end of seasons. contacted Mounira "GooseBreeder" Dobie from FlyQuest RED, who argued that this is a big opportunity for another organizer to join the scene, citing Copenhagen Games and GirlGamer. Regarding the slots distribution, GooseBreeder says "5 slots [for EU] is actually cursed. Instead of making a bigger LAN, they just kill every scene but EU."

As said previously, ESL Impact has yet to acknowledge the critics. However, some still hope the organizer will revert the changes or announce expansions regarding the number of teams to the scheduled events.

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#1(With 0 replies)
December 1, 2023 04:04PM
cuz esl fucking blows
#2(With 1 replies)
December 1, 2023 06:09PM
Where the new t.os at I want a frag league that would be lit
#3(With 0 replies)
December 2, 2023 04:28AM
yea fr. wish there was more gambling money in NA so we could have those smaller leagues like CCT and whatnot. run them out of canada where sports betting is legal :D
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