yay set to take control of MASSIVEimpact
MASSIVEimpact are looking to former compLexity roster member Jaccob "yay" Whittaker to complete their roster after the departure of Dylan "RIKO" Sabin-Arnce earlier this week, according to a report by Rush B Media. Dust2.us can confirm that yay is set to assume the role of in-game leader for the team.
yay has been on the sidelines since being benched from compLexity just before the start of the new year, when he was replaced by Ricardo "Rickeh" Mulholland. During his time with the team, yay helped compLexity to a 5-8th place at the FACEIT Major in London. He also achieved a first place finish at Fragadelphia 12 as a stand-in for Swole Patrol, but was unable to maintain his form from the FACEIT Major at ensuing events.
In a comment on reddit in reply to Rush B Media's report, yay had the following to say about his addition to the team:
I'm still under contract for coL, however management has permitted to let me play with a team without an organization. I want to continue to practice, have a schedule, and improve while on the bench. FPL as many know is not very productive for practice sake, and completely different from actual team play. I'm good friends with Witmer and co, and since Riko had a job opening he couldn't refuse- I agreed to play during the season.
Also really wanna thank complexity for permitting me to do this. Most organizations won't even let players play for non-org teams, and keep them on hold.
MASSIVEimpact are currently 4-4 in ESEA MDL Season 30, having lost four of their first five matches of the season before making changes to their roster. Since then, they have managed to take wins over Stay Frosty, Final Feature, and oNe, and will look to further improve upon those results with the addition of yay.
MASSIVEimpact's roster now looks as follows:
Sebastian "seb" Bucki
Shawn "witmer" Taylor
Collin "wrath" McSweegan
Marian "tyfoon" Lesnic
Jaccob "yay" Whittaker
MASSIVEimpact are likely to debut with yay in their match against Singularity in MDL on Sunday at 8 PM EST.
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