ODDIK vs. Galorys tips & odds

KaBuM! Legends 2024
July 27, 2024Jul 27, 2024
2 - 1
João 'matios' Guedes
Brazil matios
João 'naitte' Maia
Brazil naitte
Victor 'togs' Rapassi
Brazil togs
Italo 'ksloks' Meinberg
Brazil ksloks
Adriano 'WOOD7' Cerato
Brazil WOOD7
Win streak
Icaro 'ninjaZ' Cavalari
Brazil ninjaZ
Guilherme 'happ' Bento
Brazil happ
Moisés 'Tomate' lima
Brazil Tomate
Marcos 'hoax' Henrique
Brazil hoax
Patrick 'detr0ittJ' Carvalho
Brazil detr0ittJ
Win streak
ODDIK K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Brazil João 'naitte' Maia 53 - 55 -2 87.0 71.2% 1.21
Brazil Italo 'ksloks' Meinberg 51 - 43 +8 75.2 76.7% 1.19
Brazil Victor 'togs' Rapassi 53 - 40 +13 66.1 74.0% 1.10
Brazil João 'matios' Guedes 43 - 46 -3 63.3 75.3% 0.98
Brazil Adriano 'WOOD7' Cerato 34 - 45 -11 58.0 67.1% 0.85
Galorys K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Brazil Moisés 'Tomate' lima 54 - 44 +10 72.0 75.3% 1.19
Brazil Marcos 'hoax' Henrique 52 - 49 +3 87.0 68.5% 1.15
Brazil Patrick 'detr0ittJ' Carvalho 46 - 47 -1 66.3 69.9% 0.97
Brazil Guilherme 'happ' Bento 40 - 48 -8 61.9 75.3% 0.89
Brazil Icaro 'ninjaZ' Cavalari 34 - 50 -16 61.3 63.0% 0.84
ODDIK K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Brazil João 'naitte' Maia 19 - 18 +1 102.9 79.2% 1.43
Brazil Victor 'togs' Rapassi 14 - 14 +0 48.7 66.7% 0.88
Brazil João 'matios' Guedes 13 - 15 -2 50.8 70.8% 0.85
Brazil Italo 'ksloks' Meinberg 10 - 18 -8 43.0 58.3% 0.63
Brazil Adriano 'WOOD7' Cerato 6 - 17 -11 42.5 50.0% 0.52
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11 - 13
Galorys K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Brazil Marcos 'hoax' Henrique 21 - 11 +10 107.6 83.3% 1.63
Brazil Moisés 'Tomate' lima 18 - 10 +8 66.1 79.2% 1.28
Brazil Patrick 'detr0ittJ' Carvalho 16 - 11 +5 64.8 70.8% 1.13
Brazil Guilherme 'happ' Bento 14 - 15 -1 71.7 91.7% 1.11
Brazil Icaro 'ninjaZ' Cavalari 11 - 15 -4 56.9 70.8% 0.94
ODDIK K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Brazil Italo 'ksloks' Meinberg 19 - 7 +12 107.5 95.0% 1.88
Brazil Victor 'togs' Rapassi 15 - 8 +7 73.0 85.0% 1.31
Brazil João 'matios' Guedes 13 - 11 +2 76.5 85.0% 1.19
Brazil João 'naitte' Maia 15 - 15 +0 80.6 70.0% 1.16
Brazil Adriano 'WOOD7' Cerato 11 - 9 +2 49.0 80.0% 0.95
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9 - 7
Galorys K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Brazil Moisés 'Tomate' lima 15 - 15 +0 74.8 65.0% 1.13
Brazil Patrick 'detr0ittJ' Carvalho 13 - 14 -1 78.3 70.0% 1.03
Brazil Guilherme 'happ' Bento 11 - 13 -2 62.1 70.0% 0.90
Brazil Marcos 'hoax' Henrique 8 - 16 -8 61.0 50.0% 0.61
Brazil Icaro 'ninjaZ' Cavalari 3 - 15 -12 40.6 50.0% 0.49
ODDIK K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Brazil Italo 'ksloks' Meinberg 22 - 18 +4 79.7 79.3% 1.20
Brazil Victor 'togs' Rapassi 24 - 18 +6 75.8 72.4% 1.16
Brazil Adriano 'WOOD7' Cerato 17 - 19 -2 77.0 72.4% 1.09
Brazil João 'naitte' Maia 19 - 22 -3 78.3 65.5% 1.09
Brazil João 'matios' Guedes 17 - 20 -3 64.6 72.4% 0.99
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12 - 12
Galorys K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Brazil Moisés 'Tomate' lima 21 - 19 +2 75.0 79.3% 1.17
Brazil Marcos 'hoax' Henrique 23 - 22 +1 88.0 69.0% 1.17
Brazil Icaro 'ninjaZ' Cavalari 20 - 20 +0 79.3 65.5% 1.03
Brazil Patrick 'detr0ittJ' Carvalho 17 - 22 -5 59.1 69.0% 0.83
Brazil Guilherme 'happ' Bento 15 - 20 -5 53.7 65.5% 0.74
Match info

The CS2 match between ODDIK and Galorys is a part of KaBuM! Legends 2024 and was played July 27, 2024 06:20PM

ODDIK was ranked 71 in the world at the time going up against Galorys who was ranked 106 in the world.

The following maps were played: Inferno, Nuke and Anubis

ODDIK's match lineup
matios, naitte, togs, ksloks and WOOD7
Galorys's match lineup
ninjaZ, happ, Tomate, hoax and detr0ittJ
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