Unsurprisingly, we will be returning to Copenhagen in 2026

BLAST reveal early details about first event of 2026

BLAST joins the list of TOs scrambling to comply with Valve's rules.

BLAST have revealed early details about the first BLAST Bounty season of 2026, likely following the example of other tournament organizers in scrambling to announce their events and ensure they are in compliance with Valve's rules for 2026 events. For context, Valve's "Tournament Operations Requirements" state that all tier one events set to be held in 2026 were required to be announced by January 1st, 2025, something most TOs clearly failed to adhere to, leading to a slew of announcements in recent weeks.

From BLAST's announcement, the first BLAST Bounty season of 2026 will once again have its LAN finals in Copenhagen, with the event set to run from January 13th to January 25th. The event will feature a $500,000 prizepool and will send out invites based on December 15th based on the December 1st, 2025 Valve Regional Standings (VRS) update.

As such, there are few surprises in the announcement, but it is interesting to know that much of the 2026 calendar will already be known more than a year in advance, with this advance notice increasing to 24 months after 2025.

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