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Russian squad withdraws from Skyesports over tournament conditions

Well, that was fast.

Skyesports has already been under immense scrutiny in the last twenty-four hours due to sub-optimal conditions for practice rooms, LAN setting, among other things.

Matches were already delayed for the remainder of the day due to internet and power issues at the venue, while multiple players complained about the poor quality of computers and desks in practice rooms.

Now, BetBoom has announced that they have formally withdrawn from the event without having even played a single match.

"Due to unmet promised conditions and unsuccessful attempts to resolve issues with the organizers, BetBoom Team has decided to withdraw from Skyesports Championship," a message posted on X from the team's account stated. "We believe that fair competition requires a level playing field for all teams, which is currently not the case."

CIS-based players have been complaining about the event through the social media channel, Telegram where they have posted pictures and videos of the conditions. In a video posted earlier today there was rain that appeared to be entering the venue.

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