This match might literally be do or die for cadiaN

What to expect from Liquid v. Falcons

Can we save NA?

Well, this is it. NA truly could be out of the region's biggest event after just two days. Complexity was eliminated last night and M80 sent packing earlier today. Now Liquid, who had their best chance against 9z last night, will have to fight through the lower bracket if they want to go forward.

Little by little

It's not easy to be Liquid at this moment. The team might be in disarray, they struggled in a loss against 9z, and now they're fighting for their lives in a competition where playoffs should have been the minimum. With rumors of Casper "cadiaN" Møller's departure coming at the end of the event, well, this could be his last game in the Liquid shirt.

  • YEKINDAR has been the second-best performer so far in Dallas for Liquid

  • YEKINDAR has also been the best opener for the team, much better than before

  • Maps will play heavily into how this Liquid wins

Not a superteam

They're not a superteam and certainly haven't been playing like one. They do have the players that should make for a very difficult team. We all know what Marco "Snappi" Pfeiffer can do as an IGL and how effective Alvaro "SunPayus" Garcia is. It's really just the matter of having everything come together that seems to be the struggle.

  • Losing to G-Stew was a rough blow

  • Falcons are strong on Nuke and.... that's pretty much it for this matchup.

  • Are five Europeans better than Liquid's two europeans?

Previous Matchups

These two sides have never played one another.

Likely Vetoes

Boy, oh boy, this will be a fun game to figure out. Looks like Liquid might actually be in luck here considering the maps.

  • Falcons ban Inferno

  • Liquid ban Vertigo

  • Falcons pick Nuke

  • Liquid pick Anubis

  • Decider is Dust2

You can catch all the action tonight at 07:00PM.

2 - 1
All maps
Liquid K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Canada Russel 'Twistzz' Van Dulken 63 - 42 +21 91.9 75.8% 1.39
Denmark Casper 'cadiaN' Møller 45 - 34 +11 71.2 78.8% 1.15
Mareks 'YEKINDAR' Gaļinskis 47 - 44 +3 79.1 62.1% 1.09
Brazil Felipe 'skullz' Medeiros 33 - 42 -9 63.5 77.3% 0.93
Canada Keith 'NAF' Markovic 35 - 44 -9 73.8 69.7% 0.93
Falcons K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Pavle 'Maden' Bošković 53 - 46 +7 83.0 74.2% 1.19
Denmark Peter 'dupreeh' Rasmussen 51 - 49 +2 87.0 66.7% 1.14
Álvaro 'SunPayus' García 32 - 38 -6 53.7 62.1% 0.87
Denmark Marco 'Snappi' Pfeiffer 35 - 48 -13 59.9 66.7% 0.86
Denmark Emil 'Magisk' Reif 32 - 47 -15 67.0 72.7% 0.85

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