stanislaw was close to returning to a Major stage

stanislaw: "I'm happy that I have had to grind my way back"

The IGL hopes to reach the Major stage again, but it won't be in Copenhagen this year.

Wildcard were eliminated by M80 earlier today and will not be headed to the PGL Copenhagen Major. The team fell to the 0-1 bracket with a loss against RED Canids, but bounced back with a convincing 2-0 win over BESTIA. After the series against the Argentinians,' Jeffrey "Mnmzzz" Moore talked with Peter "stanislaw" Jarguz.

The veteran IGL had much to say regarding the first match against RED Canids, and he also revealed some nerves from his side. stanislaw had time to talk about Josh "JBa" Barutt, and how he is enjoying his new role of developing younger talent such as JBa and Keller "SLIGHT" Nilan.

Please note that the full interview can be found below on YouTube, while the transcript has some key snippets from their conversation.

Compared to the match against RED Canids, the game against BESTIA was a complete turnaround. What do you think was different with the mentality [yesterday] that allowed you guys to get off to a much better start?

Whether we want to admit it or not, we were nervous. It was two of our young guns' debut at an RMR Major event with this team. We just did not show up at all, we lacked focus, lacked discipline, lacked the fundamentals, and that's what happened, we deserved to lose that game 13-1.

You said the whole team was nervous and I was curious about you. You have been to Majors before, but it's been some time since you have been this close to a Major again, were there some nerves on your end for being back at this pivotal stage in your career.?

If you are not having a lot of LAN experience, back-to-back like the top teams do, my experience lately has just been online with the guys, trying to qualify for events, and that's totally fair. I'm not gonna lie, I got a bit nervous [two days ago], [yesterday] was a lot better and I think the team felt that as well, we calmed down, got the nerves out of the way, and refocused and I'm happy with how [yesterday] went.

There was no guarantee you would have come back to this stage in your career where you are so close to getting to the Major. How important was it for you to get back down to ECL-level? What were your intentions after leaving EG?

My intentions have always been just to play CS at the highest level that I can, and if the opportunity at the time was ECL, I did ECL. I'm happy that I have had to grind my way back, it is pretty rewarding, been at the top, being pushed down at the bottom and slowly building my way back up is a rewarding experience. I feel like it's a different experience as well having to develop young talent with SLIGHT and JBa, because on my old EG everyone was developed already, we were just tier one players and didn't need to develop anymore. I'm excited about this part of my career where I can import some experience and wisdom onto the young guys and help them improve. I just want to get back to the top, it's a good start to the year for us and I hope we continue to get there.

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