Valve has no plans to remove configs, despite rumors

Here to stay.

In the last few days, Valve has come under fire for recent changes to the game. The most scrutinized was Valve's decision to make alias binds follow subtick timings. While a workaround was quickly found, it does not change how the community has felt that Valve does not understand the competitive community and its desires.

During an episode of HLTV Confirmed, caster Chad "SPUNJ" Burchill speculated that Valve would remove configs, which allow players to retain settings, commands, and more in a file. ropz, in chat, said "yeah they are probably removing cfg's which is quite fucked, rumours are out".

However, Twitter user "Gamersdont" emailed Valve developer Ido Magal asking if this would be true. He responded, "We don't have any plans to remove the ability for users to create autoexecs or configs". has independently confirmed the veracity of the email sent between the two parties.

The confirmation that Valve is not looking to remove configs or autoexecs can assure some fans that while the developer continues to tinker with the game, they are not overreaching at the moment. Additionally, configs do not need to be removed to stop the subtick maneuvers going on at the moment, meaning that such a move to remove configs would be additionally harsh when the developer has additional measures.

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