guerri must be happy with the hand he has been dealt

guerri on adding chelo as the final piece: "[It's a] dream for us"

guerri is very happy to have FalleN and chelo playing on his side.

After debuting the new roster with a tough win against a good-looking Grayhound roster, Nicholas "guerri" Nogueira talked with' Jeffrey "Mnmzzz" Moore about the roster moves, the complications during the match and the longevity of the squad.

Please note that the full interview can be found below on YouTube, while the transcript has some key snippets from their conversation.

How much culture shock is it as a coach to go from an IGL you have always worked with to someone completely new?

FalleN is awesome. It's really easy to work with him, he's willing to collaborate with everyone, he's open-minded so, as someone who is an IGL and has this kind of profile, it's really easy [to work with]. I'm really happy to have him on the team.

chelo seemed like a much quicker move than FalleN, at least from the outside looking in. What was the process of bringing him on board and what factors led you to know he is the player you wanted to work with?

In 2018 or end of 2017, I already talked with chelo to bring him to FURIA. I was always looking at him playing. When we started to talk about the fifth player, we talked about a lot of players, when I asked FalleN about chelo, he gave me a lot of insight, and when I heard that I was certain chelo was going to be the fifth player. chelo always is the best player wherever he plays. To bring him, with a lot of firepower and a lot of experience, was the dream for us.

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