BLAST announce Paris Major schedule
BLAST has announced the scheduled for the upcoming Paris Major, with the schedule not looking too different from events past. The Challengers and Legends Stage will each last four days, with a one-day break in between. The Challengers Stage will begin on May 8th and run through May 11th with the traditional best-of-ones for all 0-0, 1-0, 0-1, and 1-1 matches.
Games will start off at 11:30 CEST, with Americans needing to wake up at 05:30AM if they want to watch the entirety of the Major, or, if they want, just enough to see paiN and Fluxo face off in a Brazilian derby. Complexity is next up at 07:00AM and then Liquid's match follows that at 08:30AM, all cast on the secondary stream.
Due to the timing and like previous events, BLAST will be running the second round of games later that day, which will start at 01:30PM and is expected to have the last game begin at 06:00PM. This is slightly concerning as is it entirely possible for teams to be playing beyond midnight just for their second game.
The following days will see the start of the best-of-threes for all 0-2 and 2-0 teams, with four 1-1 best-of-one matchups scheduled alongside that. These games will begin once more at 05:30AM for the best-of-ones, which will be followed up by the 2-0 games at 08:30AM and then the 0-2 games will begin at approximately 12:30PM.
The third and fourth days will have the same schedule, with best-of-threes for elimination and qualification beginning at 05:30AM, 09:30AM, and 01:30PM.
To kick off the broadcast there will be a live show that starts at 05:00AM, 30 minutes before the first games begin on the first day. Liquid and Complexity will be representing Americans and Canadians at Paris in this Major. North American fans can also look to paiN and Fluxo in this stage representing Brazil, while we will have to wait to see FURIA as they qualified for the later stage.