n0thing returns to compLexity for IEM Katowice
In their second announcement of the day, compLexity have confirmed that Jordan "n0thing" Gilbert will flesh out their roster for IEM Katowice 2019. He joins Ricardo "Rickeh" Mulholland as new faces on the team, coming in for Jaccob "yay" Whiteaker and Bradley "ANDROID" Fodor.
Before his nearly four year long tenure with Cloud9, n0thing was a member of compLexity, with his squads representing the organization in two Majors. After that team departed for Cloud9, compLexity suffered a Major drought that only just recently ended at the FACEIT Major London.
On top of bringing n0thing and compLexity together once more, the move also reunites n0thing with former Cloud9 teammate Shahzeb "ShahZaM" Khan.
compLexity's roster "for a limited time only" is now:
Rory "dephh" Jackson
Peter "stanislaw" Jarguz
Shahzeb "ShahZaM" Khan
Ricardo "Rickeh" Mulholland
Jordan "n0thing" Gilbert (Stand-in)
Jaccob "yay" Whiteaker (Inactive)
Bradley "ANDROID" Fodor (Inactive)
n0thing and the new-look compLexity will be in action in Katowice in February, and currently are not announced for any events in 2019 prior to that. It is expected that the team will also pick up a coach to fully complete their roster.
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