May 21, 2018 11:59PM
mOE leaves subtLe, summit and a2z join
The ultimate meme team is born.
Mohamad "mOE" Assad has announced on Twitter that he has stepped down from subtLe before the season began, saying that team CS is "too hard."
Team captain Kyle "OCEAN" O'Brien then came out and confirmed mOE's replacement and the final player who will be Armeen "a2z" Toussi and Jaryd "summit" Lazar.
This move makes subtLe one of the oldest teams ever formed, with Matthew "no_one" Congdon being the only player younger than 26 years old.
Here is subtLe's new roster:
- Kyle "OCEAN" O'Brien
- Matthew "no_one" Congdon
- Sam "DaZeD" Marine
- Armeen "a2z" Toussi
- Jaryd "summit" Lazar
subtLe will play their first official against Vikings on Thursday, May 24th.
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