Join' Fantasy for EPL S19 Playoffs!

Liquid and Complexity are your NA representatives.

The four groups of ESL Pro League Season 19 are completed, with all sixteen playoff teams decided. This league immediately follows our two previous Fantasy Leagues for Groups A & B and Groups C & D, for a total of three fantasy winners from EPL!

When creating your team, remember that some teams come in at the Round of 16, like FaZe and G2, who finished their groups in 3rd or 4th place. Group second places, like Liquid, come in at the Round of 12, while the four group winners, such as Complexity move directly to the quarter-finals. Keep this in mind as picking from group winners can give your team some cheeky padding points, but might miss out on complete stomps in the earlier playoff matches.

The winners of these fantasy competitions will receive a unique role in the Community Discord, a special badge in the forums, and a special shout-out in an article showing off the winners.

You can sign up at the link below, but also make sure to join the Community Discord to discuss your team with others, crush the competition, and show off your cool flair when you win!

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