Grim wants to deliver more individually here in Malta

Grim: "I want to have a good event [...] I feel like I haven't shown it for the past few tournaments"

Grim is looking to return to his strong form seen at the start of CS2.

Complexity went into ESL Pro League Season 19 after an extended break post-Major. For Michael "Grim" Wince and Complexity that means the team has had an extended time to prepare for the Maltese event while the rifler has also been focusing on his individual form. That was one of the topics' Ryan Friend inquired about when the duo had a chance to sit to discuss Complexity's recent break, the squad's expectations for EPL, and the removal of Overpass from the map pool, among other topics.

Please note that this interview was conducted prior to the start of Complexity's run at ESL Pro League Season 19.

How is the team feeling after their month long break post-Major?

We had a week off and ever since then we have been grinding pretty hard and we're excited for matches again. We've been preparing a lot of stuff in practice and we want to show it in the matches obviously.

Coming into Pro League, it's an interesting group that you've got with an opening match against PERA. Are you thinking about that match at all?

We're prepping how we normally would. We have a good prep system but I'm not thinking too much about it. You can't underestimate anyone so, we're just going to go and play with confidence and how we have been playing in practice and doing what has been working for us. We're feeling pretty good.

Overpass being removed takes one of your maps out of the pool, how does the team feel about that?

Our team is conflicted on it. Some people hate, some people like it. We'll all have to come together and find a balance on Dust2, but I'm looking forward to it. I like Dust2, it's obviously a map everyone knows and has played before so it's not like you have to learn too many new things but you have to get back into the swing of things.

I think something that's cool now is you can smoke Cross with only one smoke so that will be cool to see in some of the matches when it get grenade'd.

The team will still be able to play Overpass here at EPL, does the team plan on playing the map at all or are they ready to move on?

We obviously like Overpass, it has been one of our best maps since we made the team. We're still putting some love into it. Some teams though have stopped scrimming it because of Dust2 coming out that aren't in Pro League, so it has been tough to get practice on it, but we still have a bunch of good things that we added when teams were still playing overpass that we're looking forward to trying in matches.

If you beat PERA, you'll be playing NIP or HEROIC next. Are you already thinking forward to that match?

We're taking things one step at a time. NIP can beat HEROIC or vice-versa, but it would be nice to see a rematch from the Major because that was a really good game on Vertigo so we'll be looking forward to playing them again for sure.

How do you feel about there being so many NA teams at EPL?

It's a lot of teams we play, it is always nice for a region if we can get more NA teams playing EU teams. It's nice to see teams like BOSS coming over and getting to play and see what they can do here and get much-needed experience that they can't get at home. It's nice to see everyone here doing well.

Your former teammate FaNg is here. Have you had a chance to talk with him at all about joining BOSS?

I haven't seen him here. The last time I saw him was at the RMR, but he just landed today so I'm sure we’ll see him. I think he's been settling in well and enjoying his time from what I can see.

What's the minimum expectation for the team coming into this event?

We'd definitely like to make playoffs because we haven't made it in the past six events. So definitely playoffs would be the good go-to for us and the expectations for us, especially with how we consider our group right. We have a good chance in our group so making playoffs is an expectation for us.

Have you felt pressure on the team with the expectations being higher than they used to be?

I'd say there isn't too much pressure, but yeah there's high expectations after bringing EliGE onto the team and having a superstar. The organization supporting us for a long time also adds some pressure but we don't see it that way, we're taking it one matchup at a time and really doing our best. But I think everyone would like to see us in playoffs.

Do you have any other goals for this event personally other than making playoffs?

I want to have a good event individually because I feel like I haven't shown it for the past few tournaments. Individually in practice I've been playing pretty good and bringing out a lot more stuff so I want to see a good event from me.

Just to get our bearings back because we had a really hot start to CS2 but we fell off a bit, so yeah for me having a good event and making playoffs would be great here.

After beating PERA yesterday, Complexity will be playing their next series at EPL tomorrow at 10:30AM against HEROIC.

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