Could oBo be back long-term?

oBo set to play tonight's Americas RMR Open Qualifier

After two years away from competition, the 20-year-old former EG player is set to take to the server tonight.

With the start of the first open qualifier for the PGL Major Copenhagen Americas RMR set to start in under 90 minutes, a truly surprising mixteam has signed up for the event. The squad, named gamin4fun features none other than former Complexity and Evil Geniuses prodigy Owen "oBo" Schlatter. His sudden return to competition, albeit in a mixteam, comes as a surprise as the player has been away from the CS scene since 2021 when Evil Geniuses parted ways with the young star.

Since then, oBo has been under near radio silence, with occasional tweets and a single stream raising concerns about his physical and mental health. With respect to the player's privacy, his decision to compete tonight could be a positive sign for oBo, a highly skilled player well-regarded by the community.

Joining oBo on gamin4fun are a number of known faces in the scene, although not always for the right reasons. Bradley "Slugy" Kohler previously faced intense criticism for offensive and unprofessional comments made in FPL back in 2022, while also being cut from 7AM NA for poor conduct and otherwise seeing his career prospects harmed. Since then, Slugy has kept a low-profile playing in the lower divisions of ESEA, seemingly without incident.

One of the team's other players, was in the spotlight for controversy far more recently. In late 2023, Walker "walker" Harris was accused of stealing skins from a number of teammates and skin lenders, with the theft worth around $2,500. Since then, can confirm some of the skins have been returned to their original owners, although it is understood walker was uninvolved in this process. As for walker, he has never addressed these accusations publicly and has kept a low-profile since then.

The final two members of the squad, Issac "Izik" Zeigler and Stanley "calamity" Chiu, have far less baggage than the others and are most known for their play at the ESEA Advanced level.

gamin4fun consists of:

  • United States Owen "oBo" Schlatter

  • United States Bradley "Slugy" Kohler

  • Canada Walker "walker" Harris

  • United States Isaac "Izik" Zeigler

  • Canada Stanley "calamity" Chiu

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#1(With 0 replies)
January 8, 2024 08:30PM
Dust2 Birthday cake!
#2(With 0 replies)
January 8, 2024 08:53PM
hopefully we get to see him in action again and doing well!
#3(With 1 replies)
January 8, 2024 09:26PM
Far less baggage... so there is some baggage then?
#4(With 0 replies)
January 9, 2024 03:35PM
he has ocd about the quality of his power
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