September 29, 2023 06:22PM
Fragicago dates and location revealed
Back to the Windy City!
The long-awaited first Fragadelphia event of CS2 has finally been announced. The event, Fragicago, is set to be held held from December 1st through December 3rd just outside Chicago at the Scrims Esports Gaming Center in Lisle, Illinois.
Scrims also hosted Fragadelphia 16 and 17's Chicago events, when Nerd Street was still affiliated with Fragadelphia. Now, newly independent, Fragadelpia's kickoff event will feature the same prizepool if signups are maxed out.
The event will feature up to 32 teams with a scaling prizepool to $10,000 depending on the number of teams that register. This will be the first event held by Fragadelphia since Fragadelphia 17 in October 2022.
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