CS:GO Matchmaking goes down globally

End of the line for CS:GO?

The CS:GO Matchmaking Servers and the CS Network have gone down, adding further fuel to the fire that today is the long-awaited day that Counter-Strike 2 will exit its beta and be released to the public.

At the time of publication, both games are unable to be played online due to the network going, likely as Valve are making the final configurations to push a massive update for CS2.

As can be seen below, outside of EU North, every single Valve server region is currently unavailable:

Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Counter-Strike 2, which also comes at a tough time as ESL Pro League is being played out right now, causing delays to the league.

Dust.2us reported yesterday that ESL was polling teams about potentially switching to CS2 mid-tournament. It is currently unknown how other tournament organizers will accommodate the new version of the game in their immediately upcoming events.

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